Chapter Five

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Coras POV
It had been a couple of hours after the whole bathroom incident and we were all now sitting on my floor playing truth of dare. It was Staceys turn to go.

"Alright truth of dare?" Lola asked the short girl

"Hmmm truth." She stated, crossing her arms. We all yelled "boo" unison before Lola told Stacey her question

"Ok, who do you like?" Lola asked, twirling her red hair around her finger. 

Stacey smiled looking at Jonathan. I sighed and waited for this to be over with.

"I like Jonathan" she told everyone proudly. Everyone's eyes widened while Maya just looked over at me. I looked back with sad eyes. Everyone then looked at Jonathan, waiting for his response.

In all honesty, the young boy wasn't sure what to do. Stacey was gorgeous but so was Cora. Then again he wasn't sure if Cora liked him, but he did know that Stacey liked him. He finally knew what to do.

I looked at Jonathan who just smiled at Stacey with a head over heels look going on.

"Alright next person!" Luke yelled to everyone "Stacey pick our next person"

She nodded and looked back at Jonathan. "I choose you" she said happily, pointing over at the boy. "Truth or dare?" She questioned

"Uh dare" Jonathan quickly told

"I dare you..." she started then paused for dramatic effect " kiss me"

Everyone gasped, expect Maya who started to roll up her sleeves. I quickly held her back, wishing I could let her beat up Stacey. Jonathan looked between Stacey and I before finally agreeing. It wasn't a big kiss, just a little peck but it was enough to make me jealous. But, I plastered on a fake smile for the rest of the night.

                                                                                     ¥   Jump to 12:00 am  ¥

Everyone else had gone asleep around an hour ago but I had to get up to go to the bathroom. The night was really fun except when Jonathan and Stacey kissed, but I'm sure that was obvious.

Once I got to the bathroom I saw that the door was closed. I didn't think anything of it and pushed open the door, wishing a thousand times I hadn't.

There was Stacey and Jonathan kissing. On my bathtubs ledge. I gasped and that was enough to make them pull away from each other. Stacey shot up and ran out leaving just Jonathan and I.

I sat down next to him, avoiding eye contact, until he finally spoke up.

"Cora I'm-" he started before I cut him off

"Jon I'm happy for you. Stace is an amazing person I can tell you will both make a great couple" I told him, giving a small, fake smile.

"Thanks Cora" he replied. I squeezed his hand before getting up and leaving.

I was about to walk into my bedroom until remembered I still had to go to the bathroom. I walked into my basement and into the bathroom, finally letting the tears slip out.

I know I said I was happy for the boy but honestly, I wanted him for myself. But that wasn't going to happen, he liked Stacey and Stacey liked him.

Ugh what am I doing?! So what if they date, I'll find someone. I thought, walking back to my room. I sat on my bed, trying not to wake up Maya who was asleep next to me.

I laid down, finally coming to the conclusion that all feelings for Jonathan will be pushed down forever. He and Stacey were going to date, and there was nothing I could do.

I finally fell asleep but not before wishing I hadn't invited Jonathan tonight.

Just The Two Of Us - Jonathan Brandis Where stories live. Discover now