Chapter Eight

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Coras POV

"You did WHAT?!" Maya screamed at me through her phone. I had just told her about Jack and let's just say that she wasn't handling it well.

At all. 

"I know I know it was shitty move but we both agreed I needed a distraction!" "I meant a hobby not a living breath boy Cora." "Fine. Should I call it off?" "Nope your gonna go on this date because you said you would. Your not getting out of it."

She sounded much angrier than I had expected.

"Your right but I gotta go, bye Maya"   ~ click ~

She hadn't even said goodbye to me.

I felt a flood of emotions and decided to take them out of my system the only way I knew how - writing in my journal.

I think one of the reasons I liked writing so much was because of how often I would write down my feelings. I grabbed my notebook and began my entry:

September 1st, 1995

Life's been so confusing lately. I have feelings for Jonathan but he's dating Stacey and now I was going out with Jack?! This was all crazy. Not to mention how weird Maya had been acting even since lunch. Barley talking, mumbling, avoiding eye contact. My whole world felt it falling out of place all because of the stupid boy next door. If he was so stupid why does he have to be so cute? So charming? And why does he smile make me melt to floor? If he and Stacey were so perfect for each other then why do I feel a connection to Jonathan? As if were meant to be? Everyone and everything seemed to be spiraling out of control and I had nothing to do about it. Hopefully every thing can work itself out.

- Cora

I sighed, closing the notebook to go get ready for my date.

I had chosen my baggy jeans, with a red crop top and black windbreaker with my signature white shoes. I added a hint of mascara and applied a coat of lip gloss before heading out the door since it was already 3:53 and I was meeting Jack at 4:00.

I started to bike away, this time not being stopped by a certain boy.

I finally made it to the diner where I saw Jack leaning on the building, smoking a cigarette.

"You really shouldn't smoke Jackie." I scolded the boy, snatching the cigarette out of his hand and stomping into it on the floor.

He simply shrugged and held the door open for me. We sat down and order two milkshakes, a burger, a salad, and fries.

Our waiter set our food down looking between Jack and I

"You know? You two make a very cute couple" she observed, chewing her gum fairly loud

"Oh we aren't a couple" I quickly stated, making the waiter only shrug and walk away

I turned to face Jack who was aiming his French fry at me

"Jackie..." I started "don't you dar-" before I could finished my statement, he flung the fry at me, it landing directly in my hair.

"Your a dead man Davis." I laughed with a wicked smile, dumping my salad all over his lap.

"Two can play at that game" he smirked, throwing his milkshake all over my blouse

I shrieked, throwing my milkshake at him, making splash all over his hair.

We began throwing our food back and forth before a waitress came running toward us

"Hey! You two! Your banned! For life. Get out of here!" She shouted at us

We quickly dashed away but not before I slipped the waitress who was cleaning up our mess a $50 bill.

"Oh you should have seen that workers face" Jack laughed, gulping for air

"Haha very funny but we're banned for life so we better get going" I told the Italian boy, starting to walk away from the diner

I had taken two steps before Jack grabbed my wrist lightly, making my spin around with only a couple of inches between us.

"Jack? Whats up?" I asked, whispering, my eyes looking down at his lips

Before I could say anything else, I felt his lips against mine. They kissed only last a couple of seconds but it sent fireworks throughout my body.

Had I always felt this way about Jack and I had just never known?

We both pulled away, smiles on both of our faces

"I gotta go but I'll see you tomorrow" I said to my new found crush, kissing his cheek

"Bye corie" he replied, walking in the opposite direction

As I biked home I was smiling ear to ear. Nothing could ruin this night.

I finally made it to my house where I saw Jonathan, sitting on my porch. What was he doing here?

"Jonathan? Do you need anything?" I asked, feeling my smiled fade

The blue eyed boy looked up at, quickly standing up and pulling me close to his chest.

"Jonath-" Before I could explain what had happened between Jack and I he pulled me into a kiss. Just like Jack had.

But this kiss was different. It was more exciting and we stayed like this for more than a couple of seconds.

I finally pulled away, realizing what had just happened

"Cora.." Jonathan started but before I could let him finished I slammed the front door in his face.

I stormed up to my room, slamming that door too and locking it. I screamed in my pillow before I grabbed my journal and began writing again:

September 1st, 1995

Everything is fucked up.

Just The Two Of Us - Jonathan Brandis Where stories live. Discover now