Chapter Eleven

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Coras POV
It was finally Friday and I couldn't be more excited. Me, Stacey, Michelle, Faith, Lola, and Maya all had plans after school to go roller skating. At first Stace didn't want to go because she was worried about having to see Faith and Michelle again after their whole "incident" but both girls assured Stacey that they forgave her so everyone was good. I was happy I was hanging out with Stacey again because every since she started dating Jonathan, I sort of steered away from her.

But I was trying to focus on the good now.

"Hey Cora!" Faith called to me at from the lunch table that everyone else was at. Faith grew very close to the whole group right away.

"Hey guys" I smiled at all of them, sitting in between Stacey and Maya.

"You guys excited for today?" Stacey asked the girls, leaning her arm on my shoulder

"You know it!" Maya smiled wildly, the rest of us agreeing

We all just sat and talked with one another until the bell rang, making me annoyed.

¥ After School ¥

Once the bell rang signaling it was the end of the day I quickly bolted up and ran to my locker, pulling my bag and books out of the tiny space.

"Hey corie you wanna do something ton-" Jack began asking me but was cut off by my own rambling.

"I'm sorry I can't tonight but tomorrow maybe?" I questioned my boyfriend

"Sounds good" he smiled just as Maya came into view.

"Ok I gotta go bye!" I quickly told jack, kissing him on the cheek

He simply smiled and waved goodbye, walking towards Luke and Jonathan.

"Hey corba you ready?" Maya questioned me, leaning against Jacks locker

"Yup let's go" I smiled as we walked through the crowded high school doors filled with kids eager to leave for the weekend.

We finally pushed the stamped and was greeted by the rest of the girls leaning on the bike racks.

"Finally you guys made it!" Faith smiled

"Only took them five hours" Michelle joked

"Bite me." Maya faked coughed with a smirk

"Alight let's get a move on!" I announced to the girls, unlocking by bike from the rack.

They all followed my movements and we all biked away from school as fast a possible.

The roller rink was only ten minutes away from the school so it didn't take us long to arrive to the brightly colored building.

We all locked our bikes into place once again and walked into the crowded building that was playing cheesy 70s music.

"Interesting music choice" Faith commented with a chuckle

"Not as interesting as your mom" Michelle quipped, making the rest of us look at her weirdly while Maya laughed.

"Get her away from me" Faith stated jokingly, making everyone laugh

Just The Two Of Us - Jonathan Brandis Where stories live. Discover now