Chapter Nine

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Coras POV
It had been a couple of days since the incident with Jonathan and I still haven't talked to him since. But in rather good news jack and I had been gone out on two more dates but when I kiss him all I can think about is Jonathan. But of course I wasn't going to say anything to Jonathan. What can I say, I'm petty!

I had just closed my front door when I came face to face with the one and only - Jonathan Brandis

Speak of the devil.

"Cora can we talk?" He asked. "You know we were gonna have to get this over with sooner or later."

"Later" I snapped, going to open my front door but was stopped by Jonathan grabbing my wrist and leading me to his swing porch.

We sat down, the blonde boy finally letting go of my wrist

"Cora please talk to me" he pleaded

I just sighed and turned my head to face him "Fine. Let's get this over with"

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry I didn't mean to kiss you it's just that when I heard you and Jack went on a date I think a snapped a little." He said, fidgeting with his hands

"But why did you snap? I mean your dating Stacey." I asked

"I dunno maybe because....I have feelings for you but I also have feelings for her" he explained, his sparkling blue eyes darting everywhere except to my face

"Jonathan..." I trailed off not sure how to answer what he had just revealed

"Yeah.." He just replied, knowing I felt the same way about him and Jack.

After a couple of seconds Jonathan finally faced me. It was hard to not get lost in his dazzling eyes.

"I just want to say I'm sorry and that we don't have to be friends if you don't want t-" he was cut off by me pushing my lips against his.

He seemed shocked for a second but then melted into the kiss with me. We both pulled away, trying to comprehend what had just happened.

"I-I'm so sorry Jonathan your dating Stacey and I've been going out with Jack a-and we can't be doing this." I rambled on, I finally stopped letting Jonathan get a word in.

"Your right" he sighed "I think it's best if we don't stay friends"

I nodded solemnly, wanting to burst into tears

"I gotta go, meeting Maya at the mall. Bye Jon" I croaked out as well as I could

"Bye Cora" he responded, walking back into his house

I walked over to my houses front door, tears streaming down my face. I slammed by bedroom door shut and cried into my pillow. I finally got up to call Maya and cancel our plans. I wasn't lying when I said that we were going to go to the mall.

"Hey may" "what's up Cor" "I just wanted to call you and tell you I'm not gonna make it to the mall I'm sorry" "Ok but are alright? You sound like you've been crying."

I guess it was true, it only takes one thing to break the barrier.

I automatically burst into tears on the phone.

"I-I'm sorry" I finally stuttered out "today's just been hard" "do you want me to come over? I could bring chocolate and we could watch movies?" "I'd love that thanks may" "of course I'll be over in 15" ~ click ~

I rolled over on my bed, thinking about what had just happened with Jonathan.

Funny, that's where I realized I had a crush on him and it's also where that crush died.

I finally got out of my bed and walked to my balcony for some fresh air. From crying and thinking about the whole Jonathan situation I had created a headache.

I sat down on one of my chairs, pulling out my Harry Potter book.

I tried to read but my mind kept wandering to the first day I saw Jonathan. It was sunny, warm, and I was in the expect same position that I was in right now. More tears came spilling out but then I remembered something that my mother used to say to me;

"Cry on the inside, where the mascara can't run."

She was right. I quickly walked into my bathroom and replied my makeup just as I heard a knock on the door.

I ran down to get it, knowing it was Maya but hoping it was really Jonathan.

"Hey Cora" Maya smiled a little, holding two bags full of candy and chocolate

"Hey" I replied, sniffling a little "come on in"

We walked up to my room where we chose to watch the "Breakfast Club"

Everyone once in a while Maya would make a comment, making me crack up. I had began to feel a lot better.

"You wanna sleep over?" I asked my best friend after we had finished the movie

"I would love to but I can't. My parents would kill me if I had a sleepover on a school night" she explained

"Ok well tell your parents I said hi" I replied getting up to walk her to her bike

"You got it corba." she joked as we walked out of my front door

As soon as I walked out I saw Jonathan sitting on his porch swing, looking tired.

He looked up and waved to us but all Maya did was flip him off. Of course I had told her what happened, she was my best friend after all.

"I'll see you tomorrow, bye corba!" Maya yelled, pedaling away. I just waved and began walking towards Jonathan.

"Uh sorry about her" I quickly stated and walked away. He looked confused by just nodded, walking back into his own house.

It had been a long night so I quickly showered and got everyone ready for the school day tomorrow.

I laid in my back in bed, staring up at my ceiling.

I couldn't make sense of it. I had a boyfriend, he likes me and I like him. So why do I feel more happy when I'm with Jonathan?

Why do I liked the boy next door more?

Just The Two Of Us - Jonathan Brandis Where stories live. Discover now