Chapter Six

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Coras POV
It had been a week since my friend groups sleepover and today was the first day of school. I wasn't that excited since I had to see Jonathan and Stacey be all lovey in front of me. But like I said, I had all my feelings for Jonathan pushed down. Besides I had more important things to worry about, like what I was going to wear today.

I stood in front of my closet looking around until I decided on high waisted jeans shorts, a light gray T-shirt, all completed with a black belt and white sneakers. I had slept in braids the night before so my hair had a wavy look. I competed my routine with some mascara and lip gloss.

"By dad! Bye Delilah!" I yelled to my family before running out and getting my bike. Maya and I were meeting up at the top of my street so I had to go. I was about the bike away before I heard my name. I turned around to see Jonathan. Great.

"Cora wait up!" He yelled to me, I didn't want to be rude so I reluctantly held my bike in place.

"What's up Jonathan?" I asked as he finally made it up to me

"I just feel like we aren't spending as much time together as we usually do" he shrugged, placing his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah I guess.." I answered, scratching at my bike handles "but I gotta get going, I'm meeting Maya"

"O-ok" he replied "see you at school!" He yelled walking back to his house

"Yup!" I yelled back just as I saw Mayas figure at the top of my street.

"Hey cobra!" Maya said to me smiling, only to drop her smile when she saw my frown

"What's up?" She asked as we biked through my neighborhood

"Jonathan" I grumbled

"Him again?" She questioned "cor you gotta move on"

"I have moved on" I stated, lying through my teeth "I just need a distraction of some sort"

Maya nodded just as we made it to our high school, placing our bikes in the bike rake.

"Well now you do. Schoolll!" She said with fake enthusiasm giving me jazz hands

I just rolled my eyes and smiled, pulling my schedule out of my bag.

"Ok let's compare" I told her placing my schedule next to hers

"Awesome we've got four classes together!" Maya grinned

I had to admit I was happy that Maya and I were able to talk during the day

"Sucks that we've got different home rooms though" I commented, walking through the school

"Hey four classes take it or leave it" Maya replied "this is my home room see ya corba"

"See ya may" I answered, squeezing her hand before I walked away.

I made it to my homeroom and sat down next to a girl dressed in dark colors.

"Hi I'm Cora" I said reaching my hand out

The girl turned over and smiled at me "I'm Michelle" she replied, shaking my hand.

"Are you new? I didn't see you here last year" I asked Michelle

"Yeah I moved here from New York" she answered

"Oh cool well I'm glad your here" I said just as a very pretty girl walked in

"Oh faith over here!" Michelle said gesturing for the girl to come over

"Hey Mich. who's this?" The tall girl asked throwing me a small smile

"Cora" I answered smiling

Just The Two Of Us - Jonathan Brandis Where stories live. Discover now