Chapter Two

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Third Person POV
"You guys ready?" The Monroe father asked the girls. They both nodded holding the list of school supplies they needed. They all walked out as the Brandis family sat on their porch.

"Ah you must be our new neighbors!" The older man said, standing in his front yard.

The other parents looked up, and walked over to the Monroe's.

"Yes, I'm Elizabeth Brandis and this is my husband Mark Brandis." The women said putting her hand out

"Frank Monroe" the man replied, shaking both of the adults hands.

"Hi I'm Delilah!" The younger girl jumped in, making everyone laugh.

"Hi Delilah, I'm Macy!" The other little girl said, walking over to the other girl.

"Yay we're best friends now!" Delilah said excitedly while Macy squealed with delight. The two ran off to play in the backyard.

"And this is jack" Elizabeth declared, pushing the toddler slightly so that everyone could see him.

"Hi" jack said quietly, looking down at the ground.

Cora bent down and shook the little boys hand. He then looked up and smiled at her before running off to play with the younger kids.

"Hi I'm Jonathan" the boy who Cora had saw a couple minutes earlier finally said.

"Cora" the girl replied, smiling at him. They looked at one another before Elizabeth spoke up.

"Would you guys like to have dinner with us tonight?" She asked the father

"Of course, thank you for the invite" he answered before going to get Delilah.

"It was nice meeting you Cora" Jonathan said, walking into his house.

The girl just smiled and walked to the car to go get school supplies.

Coras POV
As we drove to the store we all talked about the new neighbors until we got on the topic of Jonathan.

"So Cora, Jonathan was pretty cute right?" My dad asked wagging his eyebrows.

"Dadddd!!!" I groaned as Delilah laughed. "I hear a peep out of you and I'll punch you into your 12th birthday" I threatened, snapping my head around to face my sister.

She stuck her tongue at me before turning to look out the window.

"Hey no punching your sister until she turns 10" my father told us, now it was my turn to laugh. Delilah huffed just as we pulled up to the store.

Once we entered the store we all went our separate ways to find what we needed.

I was looking through the binders when I felt someone flick my head. I quickly turned around to see my best friend, Maya Sanchez, standing there laughing.

"Haha very funny" I said sarcastically, grabbing three binders. "You here getting school supplies?" I asked her

"Yeah, my mom wanted to get Marcus (her younger brother) a new backpack so I decide to get my shopping done too." She explained. I nodded and walked into the folder aisle.

"So got any new gossip?" She asked me all of the sudden. "Your such a gossiper" I laughed, throwing some folders into my basket.

"In my defense our town is more boring then watching dry paint so I need entertainment." She stated, fake fainting into my arms. " touché" I reply, pushing her back onto her feet. "Well I guess there is something that happened today..." I questioned in my head.

"Really?! Oh my gosh tell me!!" She says all excitedly. "Well we got new neighbors and they have a son who's cute. Like really really cute." 

"Scale of 1 to Leonardo DiCaprio?" She questioned me. I thought for a minute before answering "nine" her eyes widened at my response. "That cute huh?" "Yeah!" I declared, finally going to checkout.

Just as I started to get my money out, Maya looked down at her watch and then up at me. "Oh I gotta go, I have to be home by 12:00. But we still on for tomorrow?" She questioned. I gave her a thumbs up right before she walked out of the store.

I finished paying, thanked the employee and walked out, waiting for Delilah and dad. I sat down on a bench making sure  I got everything I needed when a heard a voice.

"Wow we need all of that for school?" The voice asked. I looked up to see Jonathan looking down at the list I had. "Oh yeah, hahah I've heard sophomore year in high school is pretty brutal." I replied, looking at the bags next to me.

"Can I sit?" He asked me "sure" I answered looking at him as he sat down. "Your dad seemed nice" he observed, making small talk.

"Yeah he's a really awesome dad, your parents seemed very sweet." I acknowledged. He nodded and then looked at me. I looked over to him too as we just stared at one another. It was hard not to get lost in his blue eyes.

"Hey Cora! We're readyyy" Delilah declared, running out of the store. I quickly shot my head around and nodded.

"Bye Jonathan I'll see you tonight" I said, waving before walking away. He smiled and waved, walking into the food store on the side.

"You like him" Delilah whispered in my ear. I looked down at her and sighed "yeah. I do" she smiled at me before running into the car to go home.

Once we got home I put my school supplies on my desk before it dwelled on me.

What was I going to wear tonight?

Just The Two Of Us - Jonathan Brandis Where stories live. Discover now