Chapter Ten

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Jonathan's POV
"Uh sorry about her" Cora quickly said to me before sprinting into her own house. I just sighed and walked into my living room, frowning.

"Hey Jon Jon what's wrong?" Macy asked me, sitting on the couch watching a cartoon

"Nothing Mac just stupid girl problems" I responded, feeling the sadness of my and Coras previous conversation come hurdling back into my stomach again.

"What the fact that you like both Cora and Stacey but can't decide which one you like more even though it's so painfully obvious that you like Cora more?" She sasses back leaving me with a surprised look on my face

"H-how'd you know all that?" I stuttered out, sitting down on the couch with her

(your bill denbrough is showing Jonathan 😟)

She didn't answer she simply pulled out one of her mini notebooks. She flipped throughout the book until she got to two pages called "Cora" and "Stacey"

"I've kept a recorded of every cute thing you've done with both Cora and...Stacey" she explained, making a disgusted face at staceys name.

"Creepy but go on" I replied, weirded out by how she'd kept a record of my current love life

"See here you've gone roller skating, for ice cream, flower shopping, clothes shopping, a picnic, and to the movies all with-"

"Cora." I finished for her. And why did I think we weren't spending any time together?

"And all you've done with Stacey is go for ice cream. And it wasn't even good ice cream it was at the old, run down one scoops ahoy! You took Cora for ice cream that costs $30! Macy practically screamed

"Hey scoops ahoy is a national treasure." I retorted at my younger sister, keeping a straight face

"Whatever" she replied, rolling her eyes "but it's obvious Jon, you like Cora more"

"Your...your right" I finally said "I do like Cora more"

"So what are you waiting for? Go break up with Steve- oh I mean Stacey. And tell Cora how you feel!" Macy screamed once again

"She has a boyfriend" I told the blonde girl "I'm not gonna ruin their relationship."

"Fine. But the least you can do is break it off with Stacey so your not stringing her along." The brown eyed girl told me sternly

"Your right" I finally realized "smart sister"

"Dumb brother." She smirked before turning back on her cartoon.

I walked up to my room, dialing staceys number into my telephone

"Hey Jon!" she said from the other line "hey Stacey uh we need to talk" "sure about what?" "Well it's just that-" I was cut off from screaming on the other line. I couldn't make out what was happening but I did hear glass shatter. I quickly grew worried.

"Stacey? Stacey are you ok?" I asked my girlfriend "uh I gotta go! Bye!" "Wait what was th-" I was cut off by Stacey clicking the phone shut before I could ask what was wrong.

This all was so confusing.

Staceys POV
Before Jonathan could ask me any questions about what was going in my house I quickly slammed by phone into its holder and put my back against the wall as I silently cried.

My family life had never been good but at the moment it was at the worst it's ever been. I had even sent Lola away to stay at Mayas. My parents have been fighting everyday over the stupidest things. Today it was why my father hadn't loaded the dishwasher while my mother was at work.

I had learned that staying in my room during their fights is the best option. Thankfully I don't have any younger siblings so I didn't have to worry about taking care of them. I have an older sister, Avery, but she got away when she left for college.

The yelling had finally died down and I knew that one of them had just walked away, like always.

They think by staying here together and fighting instead of just divorcing will somehow "make me happy." Them being separated would make me happier.

The tears came down faster but I did have a strategy on how to calm down.

I slowly walked towards by closet and got a big box with a pink lace ribbon around it. Inside were pictures of me, Cora, Lola, and Stacey all together from ages 3-16.

We were at the beach, restaurants, recitals, or just huddled together all laying on one another on Lola's couch.

They were great but there was one that would forever be my favorite.

It was of Cora and I, playing dress up when we were 7 and Coras kissing my hand while I blushed.

I sighed, turning the picture to its back where there was a big red heart with C + S in the middle.

I smiled at the sight, tracing my finger around the outline of the heart.

Of course I had written this on the back of the photo only a couple of years ago without Cora knowing.

If only I could tell them...

I closed the box and laid on my bed, wishing I was any where but in this room.

Third Person POV
There laid three teens, all not revealing their biggest secrets. So instead, they wrote them down.

Cora: I wish I could be with Jonathan but I also like Jack. It's all too confusing to think about at once.

Jonathan: It was clear to everyone that I liked Cora more than Stacey. But how could I tell the girl that seemed to like me so much that I liked her best friend?

Stacey: I honestly don't even like Jonathan. I just staying with him so I can be even closer to Cora. How can I tell him I like my best friend? And how am I gonna the everyone else?

There laid three teens, in a love triangle that would change all of their lives forever.

Authors Note: Hey guys I'm really sorry I haven't updated in a while but my school is giving me a lot of work to do at once. But with my spring break starting tomorrow I'll be able to update even more! Also what about the big Stacey plot twist? Tell me what you think about the story so far and remember to keep safe. <3

Just The Two Of Us - Jonathan Brandis Where stories live. Discover now