Chapter Thirteen

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Coras POV

We left for the picnic having gotten pasta salad, lemonade, mini sandwiches, cups, plates, utensils, a blanket and a box of brownies.

And I couldn't be more excited!

We began our short bike ride to the silent prairie. And wow, we're the guys complaining.

"Corie how much longer?" Luke whined as we rode down a hill

"Only a couple more minutes" I responded, annoyed at the constant questions.

We finally made it to the quiet field and began to set everything up.

After a couple of minutes everything was set up and we all started to pile loads of food onto our plates.

We must've sat there for hours just talking, laughing, and of course eating.

The sky was painted a glowing black, making me shiver from the lack of warmth.

Jack pulled me into a hug, making me smile.

"Sorry I don't have a coat corie" he whispered, making me smile even wider

Out of the corner I saw not only Jonathan looking at us but also...


I wasn't sure what was going on with her. Was she mad at me? Jonathan? Luke? Everyone? I couldn't tell and certainly wasn't going to ask. I wasn't going to be the one who ruins the night.

¥ 7:00 ¥

We had been sitting here for almost an hour and everyone was having a great time. I was now laying on the grass with Stacey, Lola, and Faith, looking up at the stars.

"Hey guys?" Faith said all of the sudden "where'd Michelle and Maya go?"

"Uh I'm actually not sure" I replied, realizing I hadn't seen them in a while. All of the sudden I heard giggles coming from behind the trees.

"Come on" I whispered to the girls, slowly getting up and moving towards the sound. They all copied my actions as we walked closer and closer to the giggles. I put a finger up to my lips as I moved a tree out of the way to see Michelle and Maya with one another.


I restrained from letting a squeal while I motioned for the rest to come over.

Unfortunately, Faith didn't catch the memo that we were supposed to keep quiet as she let out the biggest scream ever.

Michelle and Maya quickly stood up from the loud noise.

"Guys!?" Maya yelled at us from behind the trees, making the rest of us scatter back to where we had been previously sitting.

After a minute, Maya came around the corner with Michelle right behind her.

"So how'd your spy mission go?" My best friend frowned, crossing her arms over her chest

"Spy mission? What even do you mean?" Stacey answered, batting her eyes

"Very funny." Michelle interjected, standing next to the brown eyed girl "but I guess you guys saw us?"

"Yes!" Faith squealed, jumping up to hug her best friend.

"Well I can see faith is good with it" Maya laughed before turning her attention to the rest of us "what about you guys?"

We all quickly showered her with reassurance

"Of course!"
"You guys would be so cute!"
"None of us would judge"

"Thanks guys" maya smiled, grabbing Michelle's hand

"Yes!" Lola blurted out, making the rest of us have a laughing fit

All of the sudden I felt my phone vibrating from my pocket.

My dad had texted me telling me that I was time to go home so, I quickly slid down the keyboard telling him I'd be home soon.

"I gotta go dudes but I'll see y'all later" I announced to the girls before walking towards the guys who were snacking down on the rest of the sandwiches.

"Bye guys I'll see you later" I said to the boys, kissing jacks cheek before picking up my bike and sitting down on it.

"Hey Cora wait up I'm coming too" Jonathan blurted out, quickly running up next to me to get his bike.

"Uh alright" I replied "bye everyone love you!" I shouted before pedaling away with Jonathan next to me.

We rode in silence right before we got to our houses, and said goodbye to one another.

"Bye Jonathan"

"Bye Cora!"

I closed my front, cringing about the awkward tension that had been going on between Jonathan and I.

I wished that we could just be friend without all the awkwardness but I mean how could we? I decided to call Maya and ask her about it.

I dialed on her phone number, as it rang three times before it clicked signaling that Maya had answered.

"May I just can't take this anymore. I like jack, I do but I like Jonathan even more but he's dating Stacey and she's one of my best friends. You always give me the best advice so what should I do?" I rambled out before waiting for a response.

After a couple of seconds I voice came through that definitely wasn't Mayas.

"What the fuck did you just say?" The voice spit out

"Wait who is this?" I asked, praying it wasn't Stacey

But when the voice talked again, it hadn't been who I had expected.

"It's Lola."

Just The Two Of Us - Jonathan Brandis Where stories live. Discover now