Chapter Fourteen

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Lolas POV

I couldn't believe what I had just heard. Cora liked Jonathan?!

I had just picked up Mayas phone because she and was busy talking with Faith and Jack. But I hasn't excepted to hear this.

What am I supposed to do? Tell Stacey? Tell Jonathan? Tell nobody!?

"Lola..." Coras voice rang through the phone

"What Cora." I answered with bitterness is my voice

"Just please please don't tell Stacey" the traitor of a friend pleaded from her phone. I just rolled my eyes at how I wasn't going to tell my best friend how one of our closes friends likes her boyfriend!

"Lola please" Cora repeated, her voice breaking

"Yeah. No way I'm not telling Stacey, you brought this on yourself. Goodbye."

~ Click! ~

Coras POV

I couldn't believe what had just happened.

Not only had I just lost Lola as a friend, I was going to lose Stacey, Jack, and Jonathan.

Why hadn't I been more careful? Why didn't I wait to hear Mayas voice before spilling my heart out? Why did I have to like Jonathan?!

Before I knew it tears were spilling out of my eyes but I knew I couldn't just sit here and feel sorry for myself, I had to do something.

I first dialed Staceys number which went straight to voicemail since her phone was died when I had left.

Once the phone asked if I wanted to leave a message I finally let myself say what I thought:

"Hey stace it's me. I know by the time you listen to this Lola might have already told you the truth but please hear me out. You've been my best since I can remember and I don't want to lose you over a boy that we've only known for a month or so. I love you stace and I hope you can forgive me."

One down, two to go.

I next dialed Jacks number and sent him a message:

"Hi Jack I just wanted to leave you an message telling you I'm sorry. I love you so much but I don't think we should be more than friends. Your an amazing person and I hope you can find someone who can treat you better than I did. I'm sorry and I love you.

Finally it came down to the hardest one.


I took a few deep breaths before starting my voicemail:

"I'm sure that Lola told you how I feel about you and I wanted to let you know, I understand if you no longer wanna be friends. I know you like Stacey and I'll respect your wishes if you don't want me to come near you again, but I can't  stop liking you. Your so sweet and kind and I know that this is selfish but I really hope you like me too. I hope you have a good night and...

I love you."

¥  Sunday ¥

Just The Two Of Us - Jonathan Brandis Where stories live. Discover now