Chapter Three

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Coras POV
I started to freak out, trying to find a presentable outfit. I knew that tonight wasn't going to be fancy but I still wanted to look presentable.

After not being able to find any good outfits I decided to call Maya. She had amazing fashion sense. I ran over to phone and dialed in her number.

"Hello?" I heard the voice on the other line say. "Maya it's me, Cora!" "Oh hey what's up" "well you know how I was telling you about that guy that moved next door?" "Of course he was one point away from the cuteness of Leonardo DiCaprio!" I chuckled before counting my question.

"Well my family and I are actually going over to his house for dinner." "Yay! So what are you going to wear?" "That's why I called you. Maya you've got the best fashion sense I've seen and I need your help." "Alright, so what do you want to outfit to say?" "Something like.... I look presentable, but also not trying too hard. Oh! And I want it to have a summer vibe." "Mmmmm...wait I got it!" She said all of the sudden.

"I'm listening!" I replied walking over to my closet. "You know those high rise jean shorts you have? Place that with your black cropped button up t shirt and your checkered flannel." "Oh that's perfect! Thank you so much Maya I don't know what I would do without you." "I wonder that everyday. And tell me what happens tonight!" I giggled before hanging up the phone and placing out my outfit.

¥ Time jump to 4:00 pm ¥

I finished up my hair and put on some mascara just as my dad called me down, signaling that it was time to leave. I quickly ran downstairs, just as my dad turned open the door. We walked over to the Brandis house and with each step I got more and more nervous. I took a few deep breaths just as my dad knocked on the front door.

"I'm glad you here! Come in, come in." Mrs. Brandis said, gesturing towards their living room. I thanked her, walking into their house.

"Wow what did you make?" I asked the older woman, smelling something delicious coming from the kitchen.

"Tomato soup with grilled cheese on the side." She answered, smiling "I'm actually not done yet so would you like to help?"

"I would love too!" I declared, smiling back at the mom.

After about 20 minutes Mrs. Brandis and I finished up the dinner.

"It's ready everyone!" The mom announced throughout the house.

Everyone came down and took a seat at the dinner table.

"This soup is really good mom" Jonathan commented about the food.

"You should be thanking Cora, she made it!" Elizabeth told the boy

"Oh, good job Cora" Jonathan stated, looking over at me

"Thanks" I answered smiling, feeling my face heat up at little.

                                                                                                 ¥  After Dinner  ¥

The parents wanted to have coffee together, so us kids all went outside.

The little kids went outback to use the jungle gym while Jonathan and I sat out front on the porch swing.

"So are you nervous about coming to a new school?" I asked him, swinging my legs back and forth

"Eh not really" he replied "we move a lot so I'm used to feeling like the new kid most of the time."

"Well if it makes you feel any better we get lots of new kids every year." I pointed out. He nodded at my response and smiled.

"So who are your friends?" He then asked me, making me shift a little in my seat

"Well I've only got a few but their all super sweet." I began "there's Jack, Luke, Stacey, Lola, and my best friend is Maya." I finished.

"They sound cool" he commented smiling

I smiled back, but still wanted to keep the conversation going. "Did you meet any kids today?" I said before laughing "oh wow I sound like a mom"

He started laughing with me before answering my question. "Well I did meet this beautiful girl today."

I felt my face heat up with jealousy "oh?" I asked, trying not to get up and run away. "What was she like?"

"Well she had long brown hair, with sage eyes with freckles on her nose and had a bag of school supplies with her."

My eyes widened as I looked over to him. "Anything else?" I asked, not wanting to embarrass myself by thinking he's talking about me.

"She has a super nice dad a sweet little sister who may be best friends with my little sister." He finished his description and looked over at me with a little smirk.

"Well now that I think of it I did meet this cute guy today too. He had dirty blonde hair with blue eyes and an amazing smile." I replied, smiling back at him. We smiled at each other before he asked me another question.

"Do you think your friend group would like me?" He asked, now avoiding eye contact.

"They would love you. Like actually love you." I answered giggling, imagining Stacey drooling over him. "I can introduce you tomorrow! Their all coming over for our annual sleepover."

"I'd like that" He responded, looking up at the sky.

After a couple of minutes I decided to go back home so I could tell Maya about today. "I have to go but I'll see you tomorrow. Their coming over at 12:00. Bye Jon"

"Bye Cora" he said, smiling walking back into his house. I smiled back and walked into my house.

I quickly ran upstairs and dialed Mayas number.

"Hello?" "It's me Cora! I have big news!" "Yes!! So what happened today" "well we had dinner and then I was sitting outside with him on his porch swing when he called me beautiful" "woah. What'd you say in return" "I told him was cute" "good move, anything else?" "One more thing...he's coming to our groups sleepover tomorrow." "He is?! Awesome I can't wait to meet him!" "Oh thank god I was worried that you would be mad." "Of course not! I don't think anyone else will care ether." "That's just what I needed to here. Thanks Maya" "anytime corba" she replied using her nickname for me. "I see you tomorrow byeee" "bye!" She said before hanging up.

I got dressed into comfortable clothes and turned in my tv to watch "the sandlot" it had come out a couple of years ago but it was still one of my favorite movies. I usually focus on Benny Rodriguez but all I could think about was Jonathan.

Once I finished the movie I feel asleep, thinking about tomorrow.

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