Chapter Twelve

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Coras POV
It took me a minute to process what Maya was saying.

Crush? On Michelle? But Michelle is a girl...

Then realization hit.

"So are you bisexual?" I asked my best friend since she had dated boys before

"Nah I think pansexual. But are you okay with this? I mean I know that liking girls while being a girl is kinda frowned upon here." Maya questioned me, a look of sadness in her eyes

"Hey" I started, grabbing her hand "of course I'm ok with this, I'm still gonna love you no matter what."

She smiled, tears pricked in her eyes "you have no idea how relived I am to hear that thank you"

"Of course but" I replied with a smirk "when'd you figure out that you like her?"

She squealed and told me about it, just like we would do about any other crush.


I woke up the next day at two to see Maya sprawled across my bed in a non-human position.

I silently laughed before lightly shaking her away.

After that I said her name in a hushed voice, thinking that hearing her name was be enough to wake her up.

I got a snore in response.

"Maya wake up"

Nothing was working, but then I realized what strategy to use.


She quickly shot up, frantically looking around for a couple of seconds before turning to me with a bored expression

"Haha very funny" she commented sarcastically, flicking the side of my head. "But come on we gotta get ready"

"For what?" I asked confused

"For the mall!" Maya told me as if it was the most obvious thing in the world "Lola called your phone after you went to bed and I answered. She was wondering if we wanted to go to the mall with everyone"

"Oh yeah!" I smiled "when are we leaving?"

"Hmm I would say around...five minutes?" She smirked, pulling on one of my shirts



Maya and I dashed from our bikes and into the mall, my white tennis skirt flying around me as we ran into the food court.

"Oh there they are!" I smiled at Maya, pointing to the direction to our friends

We walked over to the group, sitting down in the booth with Lola and Luke.

I didn't even realize but the two were sharing a strawberry milkshake.

I gave Luke a thumbs up and he winked in response just before I turned to the rest of the group.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked, playing with the sleeves of my black polo shirt.

"Well I think we should go shopping, then we could go to a movie and then..." Michelle started but the trailed off from her idea

"Oh we could go on a nightime picnic!" Lola stated, finishing Michelles statement

"I love that idea!" Stacey smiled wildly

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