Chapter Seven

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Coras POV

"Hey Jonathan" I said through gritted teeth

Out of the classes, he had to be in this one?!

Thankfully the teacher came in before Jonathan could say anything else to Maya and I.

"Hi class I'm Ms. Moore and I'll be your teacher for this year! I hope that we all have a good time during this period." The young teacher told us.

Right away I liked her. She didn't seem fake happy but she also didn't hold a monotonous tone while talking. Her voice held a cheery tone almost as if she was singing every word. Listening to her was very easy.

"Since it's the first day I thought we could start off with something easy" She told, writing on the chalk board with beautiful cursive. "I want you all to write a story about a love story with a twist to it. It's due by the end of the week and have fun with this assignment!"

I quickly took out my notebook to write my rough draft of my story.

"What you writing about?" Maya questioned leaning over to see my paper

"Romeo and Juliet. Except Romeo cheats on Juliet and Juliet kills him." I told her, my voice getting angrier with every word.

"Uh ok" Maya responded, slowly sitting back into her chair

I continued writing until I felt eyes on me. I turned over and saw Jonathan staring at me, not writing anything down.

He quickly met my eyesight and looked away, clearly embarrassed by the whole situation.

This was quickly becoming one of my least favorite classes.

¥ Jump to Lunch (12:00) ¥

I entered the lunchroom and immediately saw Jonathan, Lola, Maya, and Jack and sitting with each other. I guess the others hadn't gotten there yet. I walked over to them being greeted by them all. I tried to make conversation but I was looking across the cafeteria to try and find Faith and Michelle.

Finally, I saw them both come through the lunchroom doors making me bolt up and walk over to them.

"Faith! Michelle!" I said happily as I guided them towards my friend group. While I was away the rest of my friends had joined the lunch table except for Stacey.

"Guys" I started getting everyone's attention "this is Faith and Michelle their both in my class"

"Hi" Faith smiled at everyone

"Hey" Michelle said more quietly

Everyone else greeted them in return:

"Nice to meet you!"

"Thanks for being so welcoming" Michelle smiled, her voice a little more confident "Faith and I will be right back we just gotta go get lunch" she finished, her and Faith walking off

"Well they seem nice" Lola commented with a smile

"They are" I replied, opening the plastic wrap that held my Sandwich.

I noticed that Maya was being quiet

"Maya you ok?" I asked my best friend

She just mumbled and looked down at her hands. I decided not to push her any further.

We all talked until Stacey walked up to us, dramatically making her head fall on Jonathan's shoulders.

"Hey stace" Jonathan said as he quickly kissed her forehead

Everyone awkwardly looked at them except for Maya who was still looking at the floor. What was going on with her?

After a couple of minutes Faith and Michelle came back, both sitting on ether side of me.

"Uh who are you guys?" Stacey asked giving both of the girls a dirty look

"Oh this is Faith and Michelle" I explained with a smile "their in my homeroom"

"Ok well let's get one thing straight." Stacey started, venom lacing her words "I'm dating Jonathan so that means no flirting with him. No looking at him and NO talking to him." With every word she got closer and closer to faith and Michelle faces.

She could not be serious

"Uh I have a boyfriend." Faith stated, her mouth moving into a straight line.

"And I'm gay" Michelle told all of us proudly

Everyone looked at Michelle with a smile while Lola smiled wildly and hugged her. This was enough to make Maya finally look up with a glisten in her eye. I wasn't sure what was going on with her but I was determined to find out.

"Oh uh ok I-I'm so sorry" Stacey stuttered out, her face turning a bright red "I'm gonna go again I'm really sorry."

And we that she shot up and quickly walked away, leaving all of us in a awkward silence.

"Well that was an experience" Faith smiled slightly making us all laugh awkwardly

"Yeah I'm sorry about h-" I started but was cut off my the shrilling sound of the school bell.

"There's the bell" Maya groaned, saying her first words since language arts

"At least there's only three classes left may" jack pointed out as we all picked up our backpacks and walked out.

Only three more classes.

¥ Jump to the end of the school day (2:30) ¥

I was organizing my locker as I thought through the events of the day. Weirdly enough after lunch the day was uneventful. I had classes with all my friends and the teachers were ok, they didn't give us any homework this night so I was free for the time being.

I finally finished organizing the inside of my locker was I noticed jack was right next to mine.

"Hey Jackie" I smiled at the boy, using my nickname for him

"Hey corie" he responded with a smirk

"Mmm touché" I smirked back before fully facing him, leaning on my closed locker

"So Cora I was actually meaning to ask you something.." he started "I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go on a date with me tonight? At the diner down the street?"

I just stood there in a second before I remembered what I had said earlier in the day

"I just need a distraction..."

But was jack that distraction? I would hate to string him along and ruin our friendship on the way. What should I do?

"Cora?" Jack said snapping me out of my thoughts

"Yes?" I answered trying to act oblivious

"What do you say to my idea?" He asked his eyes shining with hope.

I thought for a couple of seconds.

"I would like to go out with you"

Just The Two Of Us - Jonathan Brandis Where stories live. Discover now