The Rescue Pt. 2

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Smoke filled my lungs, causing me to cough harshly. My eyes fluttered open. The smoke brought tears to my squinted eyes. I blinked rapidly to clear my vision. I flinched at the muffled explosions around me. A groan left my lips when someone pulled me closer to their hard chest. I asked myself, 'what happened?' as the ringing in my ear got higher and higher.

My feet were dragging on the ground. While my body leaned against a hard chest, which I was grateful for because of how much my body ached from my stunt. Slowly, I looked around trying to find the person whose arm was wrapped around my waist. I saw the defined jawline that belonged to Steve. He quickly glanced down, probably from me moving, giving me a worried stare before staring straight up again.

Steve opened his mouth forming words but no sound came out. The explosions that surrounded us could barely be heard — and he expected me to understand him? My eyebrows narrowed in confusion. Steve repeated what he said until, slowly but surely, his voice pushed passed the muffled booms around us.

"Kit-Kat! Are you okay?" Steve shouted. "Can you walk?"

I didn't answer, looking around when I realized someone was missing. A certain Sarge with the blue-grey eyes wasn't the one holding me like I thought he would.

"STEVE!" A voice shouted from across from us. Well, more like across the room. My head snapped up and over the broken railing was Bucky standing on the other side with a look of horror. The only thing connecting us was a metal bar that looked like it could fall at any moment. "KITARA! Hurry! This thing could fall at any moment!" And, as if on cue, the bar creaked and groaned as another explosions shook the entire building.

I placed my hand on Steve's arm, stopping him from taking another step closer to the railing. He gave me a confused glance, silently asking me why I would stop him in the middle of chaos.

"It is too dangerous to cross." I told him. "It's going to fall at any moment."

Steve raised an eyebrow at my choice off words. I knew that he caught that I said 'going to' instead of 'could'. I jerked my head towards to the bar silently telling hi to watch. Steve's eyes followed and just as he did, the metal bar collapsed, falling towards the flaming ground that engulfed it with a warm hug. Steve flinched at the result that I was showing him. That could have been us if I didn't warn the golden boy beside me.

Again, the building shook.

Bucky watched wide-eyed as he recognized that our only way to safety was gone in flames... literally. Frantically, he searched around trying to find a solution to our problem.

"Gotta be a rope or something!" Bucky shouted at us. I saw the stubbornness — with a hint of fear — in his eyes. Especially, when they locked with mine.

"Just go!" Steve shouted at him. "Get out of here!"

"No! Not without you!" Bucky argued. I glanced at Steve who nodded his head a little bit of conflict was swirling in his eyes. I cocked my head a little watching as Steve pushed the broken rail back. He stepped back a couple of feet before grabbing me by the waist and told me to 'hang on'. But before I could question on what he was doing Steve was already running towards the end.

Then... he jumped.

A small yelp left my lips without my permission. My arms wrapped tightly around his neck out of surprise. My eyes widen as another explosion sounded from below us and the fire grew upwards. Towards us. Not hesitating to save my friends life, I drop my left arm from Steve's neck and jerked it to the ground, watching as the shimmering blue protected our feet from the scorching, hot flames that want a taste of our flesh.

I gasp suddenly as we touch ground on the other side. I didn't pull away when Bucky questioned if I was alright or if I was injured in any way. Steve chuckled out in disbelief at the stunt he just did. And if I wasn't so drained I would have punched him for his recklessness. So, I laughed with him.

I looked at the two boys who stood beside me. "Let's get out of here," I tell them, offering my hand for them to take which they did. Without any warning, colorful mist surrounded us causing me to smile at the look of awe on the men's faces. In a snap of your fingers, we disappeared from the burning building and out into the destroyed field where the moonlight shined down on us. And two grown men were puking on the floor.

Patience. It's a very strong word. People are filled with it; others are emptied from it.

I would like to think of myself like a patient person. But even someone with so much patience could get annoyed. Especially, if they are being bombarded with questions. Especially, if "they" are two grown men who act like children most of the time. The both of them asked throughout our entire journey back to the base. Sure, they asked the questions but every time I try to answer one of them would interrupt. A few of the cell mates of mine would come up to me and ask their set of questions then leave after giving me a small pat on the back. I gave them a grateful smile, knowing they were silently apologizing for their Sergeant and the Captain who rescued us.

I sighed as Bucky asked yet another question. I stared straight ahead, ignoring. Logan, who stood beside me this entire time, chuckled lowly. Quickly, I gave him a jab in the ribs to which he grunted — 'cause I used my strength — I laughed as I could practically feel the glare he was throwing my way. I ran a hand through my hair groaning as Steve asked this time.

"I swear, if they ask another question I am going to kill them and make it look like an accident." Logan thought out loud. Steve whipped his head over to Logan with a terrified look. His pale skin started to turn a deathly yellow-pale. Logan shrugged nonchalantly. "What? I did it once, I can do it again."

I rolled my eyes as Steve slowly pulled me to stand between him and Bucky who looked confused himself.

"Don't worry, Steve. He can't hurt you as long as I am alive." I promised Steve. He nodded, seeming a little more relax at my words.

Shouting was heard all around us suddenly making us look in the direction. Relief spread inside me, seeing the base camp creeping out from over the hill in front of us.

Steve was leading the army of rescued men with me and Bucky striding by his side. It felt like I was in a movie and I could almost hear the heroic music in the background. Cheers of triumph erupted from the men waiting upon our arrival. Soon, we collided with the other soldiers waiting for us. Steve barked off orders, telling them about the injured that needed medical attention right away. The nurses rushed over not wanting to anger the man that towered over everyone.

Bucky thought he was so slick... sliding his hand into mine while I was distracted by the commotion surrounding us. I lost Logan amongst the crowd but I didn't need to worry knowing he knew where I am at.

I smiled at the brunette that was talking to Steve. Her signature red lips worn a small, amused smirk. I didn't need to use my powers to know that she absolutely adored the star-spangled man. And, the same goes for Steve. Anyone could notice the twinkle in their eyes as they gaze at each other, and no one is ever going to change their minds, either. It reminded me about Bucky and I — when we were staying in that cells. The way we would forget about everything around us and only focused on one another without a care in the world.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when Bucky shouted over the crowd; "HEY! Let's hear it for Captain America!"

The soldiers cheered and chanted out 'Captain America' over and over. Bucky was smiling. I looked up at him to find Bucky already staring at me. My cheeks blushed red which confused me because no one has ever made me blushed before (at least not this much). We smiled at each other like idiots. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach as I stared at Bucky's grey-blue eyes.

I knew, at that moment, that if Bucky's hunch were to be right... he was going to have to meet the special someone in my life.

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