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EARTH — 616

The diner was small and cozy, a waitress standing at the counter, a warm smile on her face sent to every person who walks through the door. The booths were a teal color that helped make the checker board tables stand out. The radio that rested on the window sill that separated us from the kitchen, played softly in the background.

Cars honked, people chattered with friends or family on the streets. I shifted in my chair, uncomfortable. Trying to get use to the 40's outfit. The tight brown skirt hugged my waist perfectly, helping my curves show better than ever. My once long wavy hair, now cut short, not quite reaching my shoulders. In my hands rested a steaming, and untouched, black coffee. I didn't bother to drink it, the only reason why I ordered it in the first place was to try and not act suspicious.

My body tensed as I felt a presence standing behind me, the hairs on my neck standing.

"What's a gal like you doing sitting alone?" A deep voice tried to flirt. Keyword; tried.

I ignored him, taking a sip of the bitter drink. Hopefully this guy can take a hint and leave me alone. Sadly, the man kept pestering, not liking the way that a someone, a lady in fact, had ignored him.

"Oh come on, sweet cheeks, don't be like that."

I glared at the nickname he used. I pasted on a fake smile, trying hard not to recoil in disgust, and turned around to face him. He smirked, thinking that he got through to me.

"I'm sorry, I'm just heartbroken that my date bailed on me." I forced a shrug, frowning. It seemed to have convinced him, when he leaned against the counter beside me.

Smirking, he said, "Why that's a shame," He put his rough hands on my skirt covered thigh, trying to seduce me. It was difficult to not push him away but I didn't want to cause a scene. "If I were him, I would have already taken you home." He whispered leaning closer to me, his breathe made me gag and pull away.

A person cleared their throat, gaining this man's attention away from me. I let out a breathe of relief and also turned my head to look at my savior. I was shocked to see a short man standing there with his hands on his hips. His blonde hair combed to the side, perfectly. He was shorter than the average man and was skinny as a toothpick, it made me think if he was sick or something. His white button up shirt was big on him, showing just how small he was, it was tucked inside his baggy pants. The only thing that was keeping them from falling was a belt. But that's not what caught my breathe, it was his breathtakingly bright blue eyes that were narrowed into a glare directed to the man that stood too close for comfort.

All-in-all he was handsome.

"Is this man bothering you, ma'am?" His Brooklyn accent made me shiver. I was surprised to hear such a deep voice come out of that small body. But before I could answer him, the rude man interrupted me.

"Get lost buddy! This ain't none of your business!"

I quickly searched the blonde's man mind, catching his name.

Plastering on a relived face, I hopped off the chair and into the arms of Steve's (the blonde man) catching him off guard, an oomph escaped his mouth but he managed to stay upright.

"Oh, Steve, I thought you bailed on me." I cried out, pulling away from him. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I winked at him, hoping he got my message. Which he did by nodding back. I turned back to the man, who had a  baffled look on his face, I wanted to laugh but covered it with a smile on my red covered lips. I slipped my arms around his small shoulders almost wincing as I felt his bones through the shirt, I felt his arm wrap around my waist.

"Uh- wha- I-," The man stuttered, completely baffled at the scene.

I smiled at him, "Now, if you excuse us, we best be on our way. Thank you, sir, for keeping me company."

The man huffed and barged out the door, the bell ringing behind him. I relaxed, turning towards Steve to find him already looking at me, I blushed under his intense gaze and pulled him to where I sat. He sat next to me, never once did his gaze waver.

"How do you know my name? Who are you?" He went straight to the point but that didn't surprise me.

I sighed. "I can't tell you how, but I can tell you my name." He nodded but by reading his mind he was going to bring it up again later. "My name is Kitara Danvers." I put out my hand for him to shake. Without hesitation he shook it, my hand a tad bigger than his. They were rough from working, but kind and gentle to the touch.

"Steve Rogers, but you already knew that." He chuckled awkwardly. I smiled, opening my mouth to say something but a baby cry cut me off.

I turned around and grinned at my ten-month-old son, wrapped up in a baby blue blanket. Small wails escaping his mouth, brown baby fuzz sitting on the top of his tiny head. I gently picked him up, cooing at him as I held him close. I glanced at Steve whose jaw dropped at the baby in my arms.

He cleared his throat, blushing. "Is he yours?"

I wanted to roll my eyes but didn't want to come off as rude especially since he saved me. So, instead, I nodded. "Yes, he's almost a year old."

"Is the father around?"

I shook my head. "No," I whispered looking down at little Blue. "He doesn't know." It grew uncomfortable after that. Clearing my throat to clear the awkwardness, I looked back up at his soft and sympathetic blue eyes. "So, what about you? Do you have a special lady?" I smirked when a blush appeared on his cheeks.

"Uh, N-No, uh, no, I don't have a gal... I don't think that a girl is willingly going to dance with someone who they might step on." Steve admitted, looking down in embarrassment. I smiled, sadly, I mean who wouldn't want to dance with this man in front of me? I would! Steve's handsome and so far he has showed nothing but kindness towards me and he didn't spit at me once I admitted that I had a child out of wedlock. Women in the generation.

"I would." I admitted. He shot his head up, wide eyes staring at me. Steve searched my face to see if I was lying but I wasn't. I was telling the truth and I wouldn't be embarrassed to show him off either. "It's not the appearance that matters, its what is on the inside that counts." I told him. With a free hand I grabbed his hand. "And if you ever need a dance partner, just give me a ring and I'll be there."

And that was the beginning of a friendship that would last for a very long time.

Broken Start// b. barnesWhere stories live. Discover now