Choosing the Canadite

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Steve leaned over to offer the girl that was supposed to be his date (but was taken by me) a bag of peanuts. I smiled at his kindness but that soon turned into a glare when the girl scoffed and flipped her hair looking back to the stage. I understood that she was gay but that didn't give her the right to be rude.

Steve frowned but it was quickly changed when I reached in the bag for some peanuts. He sent me a grateful smile and I returned it with a kiss to the cheek. I giggled when he blushed yet again. It amuses me how little a person can do to make Steve blush.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Bucky frown from our interaction. We made eye contact, his frown quickly flipped to a smirk and a little wink. I glared putting my whole attention towards the stage in front of me.

Around us people started to gather around in amazement as they looked at the stage. Just as I was about to ask Steve when it was about to start the music cut me off. Gasps were heard all around and cheers were followed right after along with clapping. I smiled when Howard Stark walked onto the stage, more cheering came from the audience including me. If I didn't already meet Howard Stark, I won't admit it, but I would swoon over him like everyone else.

He took his top-hat off giving to the girl with a flirtatious smirk. The girl giggled but was taken by surprise — as was everyone else minus me — when Howard suddenly pulled her to meet his lips. Once they pulled away, she handed him the microphone and left with the other girls off the stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, what if I told you that in just a few short years, your automobile," Again, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Steve try to offer the girl some peanuts. But once again the girl gave him a look and turned away. "Won't even have to touch the ground at all?" The audience gasped. I just rolled my eyes seeing that I come from future, I still don't have a flying car. As the girls were removing the wheels from the red car, I grab a couple of peanuts from the bag. Steve's head snapped over to me. I threw him a smile.

Leaning over I whispered in his ear, "You have a good heart, Steve. And any girl must be stupid not to notice that." I pulled away to look at his blue eyes. I recognized the small coat of blush on his cheeks.

I turned my attention back to the stage, just in time to see the car float in the air, red light shined where the tires should be.

"Holy cow." Bucky breathed out in amazement.

I flinched as the car suddenly sparked and flash. My hands found their way to Steves, the audience gasped when the car banged to the floor, breaking down. A laugh escaped my mouth, quickly I clamped a hand over my mouth to stifle the rest. Bucky looked at us from over his shoulder, his grin fell as soon as he saw me gripping onto Steve. Steve looked at him with a smile, quickly Bucky looked back to the stage as did I.

A quiet gasp escaped my lips as Steve suddenly dragged me to God knows where. It was almost like he was waiting fo the right moment for everyone to be distracted before making his escape. I stumbled a couple of times silently cursing at the heels. I kept asking where we were going but Steve never once answered. I was about to ask again when I saw it;


I looked to and from the sign and Steve with furrowed eyebrows, that is before his determined thoughts hit me like a train.

"You did it again, didn't you?" I ask him, my eyes were wide knowing that he did but I wanted him to say it. He looked at me from over his shoulder as we entered the building, his baby blue eyes shine with guilt but the determination was still there. I sighed. "You know, that I support you Steve... because everyone, even the little guy, deserves a chance to fight."

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