Author's Note

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'BROKEN START' has officially ended. Although, the sequel is being written as we speak. But — sadly — I cannot promise I will upload it as quickly as I like. I would like to edit and take my time with the sequel before publishing the finishing touches. So, please be patient.

But I am excited to announce that I have another story to publish soon. It is going to be part of 'ACROSS THE MULTIVERSE' Series. It is placed in Narnia. And it will be a Peter Pevensie love story called, 'NARNIA'S SHADOW'.

I don't know when to publish the first chapter but I have a feeling I will put it out tomorrow.

In the future, I have faith that my writing will get better (for you guys' benefits) and you will love Kitara's adventures as much as I do. I will go back over this I book and edit some things to maybe fix into future plans that I have.

To make sure that you people will be trap underneath my spell, I will let you guys have a sneak peek inside the book 'NARNIA'S SHADOW' who is is about... DUN DUN DUN... Natasha Rebecca Barnes!!!

That is right! She isn't dead! You think I will let such an adorable little human being to die? I'm cruel but I'm not evil y'all.


War. Everything is usually about war. Divide and Conquer is what starts it. Disagreements between friends. Arguing in the council, or relationships. People taking sides thinking that they are right and their enemy is wrong. But in this story war comes from the very beginning.

Let's start with a child. Born from a soldier in World War Two and a young woman with strange abilities. They met and fell in love in the depths of war. The young soldier died on a mission leaving his poor lover behind with a unborn child. The woman raised that child up until she was only two years old when her baby was taken away from her. Their captives shot the child to death in front of the mother. When they released her they didn't give her back the corpse of her baby. Instead, they experimented on the child to test if they could unlock the abilities — that was passed down by the mother — and use the child as a weapon. But they didn't know that by tampering with her DNA would send her off to an unknown world... another world.


Eat! Eat my children! A little snack before the main meal.

I have a feeling I will get through writing with this story faster than I wrote 'BROKEN START' because I have had this plot in my head for so long. Ever since I created Natasha, I thought about so many things and I have always wanted to write a story about Narnia.

— Truther Real

Broken Start// b. barnesWhere stories live. Discover now