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Author's Note

Fair warning: This chapter does mention a lot of blood and violence. So read at your own risk.

On a side note, I hope you guys comment and vote because you guys support means a lot. It lets me know that people want to read my book. So, thank you, guys.

Also, I want to dedicate this chapter to my best friend that helped me with this chapter and for many other chapters before. WhoIsNiniStyles thank you so much for supporting me and being an amazing editor and idea person.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter... and cry as much as I did while writing.

— Truther Real


Two Years Later


Walking: I smile at my daughter who was mindlessly babbling in my arms as the midnight moon shined down on us.

Gunshots: I flinch away from the sounds that came out of nowhere.

Men: I fight them with my child in my arms who had already started to cry.

Powers: I protect her as another agent tried to get close to us.

Sneak attack: I'd forgotten to check behind me, if I had she would still be here but I was too focused on what was in front of me.

Collar: I am useless now that the strange device was clamped around my neck like a rabid dog

Pain: I crumble to the ground, electricity shaking me to the core, preventing me from using my powers.

Crying: I reach out, begging to them as they snatch Nat out of my arms, not caring as mother ad daughter cried out for each other.

Seeing: I watch as they drag her in van and me in another but that didn't mean that I stopped struggling to get to her.

Darkness: I gave up as an agent hit me over the head with the butt of his gun.


That is all I remember.

We were walking home that night on our way back home where Peggy, Logan, and Blue are waiting. It was a simple errand; got to the store and get back. No where did I plan to get kidnapped.

It was frustrating. It was quiet for the past two years. Then, out of nowhere, something tends to happen. All I ask for is a peaceful life for the rest of my life.

My eyebrows furrow down as the sound of metal clang against the hard and uncomfortable ground. I wrinkle my nose in disgust as metal and blood clash together.

My eyes flutter open and I check my surroundings with blurry vision. The room was dirty and it smelled like mold. The cement ground was wet with an unknown substance that I hope to never find out. No windows were on the four walls, not letting me know whether it was morning or night.

A pain shot through my heart as my body ran cold and numb. I didn't see Natasha anywhere. And I couldn't hear anything outside the room. One of my hands rub up to my neck and I sigh heavy as I realized whatever collar they used preventing me from using my powers. At the time, it never once occurred to me where nor how the got a hold of it.

Shackles on my hands prevented me from running to the door and finding my daughter. My clothes were dirtied and had slight rips in a few places

The blurriness cleared away when the cell door opened. Men scramble in with multiple guns and I wanted to roll my eyes for they were still afraid even when I didn't have my powers.

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