Practice Training

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I jumped, startled as a body plopped itself next to mine. Their tray was full of unknown glob and a rare sight of biscuit. It was a "thank you" gift from Senator Brandt for the courageous Captain America who laid down his life for complete strangers. It angered me when I saw the new boxes this morning as I was coming with Logan. Isn't that what everyone else is doing?

Sneakingly, I snatched the still steaming biscuit off their plate. I smiled innocently, taking a bite out of the treat. Bucky glared at me. My smile widen as I watched him take out another one from his pocket.

"You better be glad that I brought an extra one."

"Please," I scoff. "Like, you will actually hurt me if you didn't."

Bucky didn't answer instead he smiled softly thinking that I didn't see.

Steve was in the morning meeting with Peggy. Last night, I teased her for the obvious love connection that the two have. But what is known by the people around them is unknown by the main ones. You must be scoffing. Thinking to yourself; "Well, isn't that a bit hypocritical of you to be saying that?"

Yes... yes, it is.

The large tent was slowly filling up one-by-one as the chatter started to rise. Logan sat across from Bucky and I, eating his own biscuit and mystery goo. His dog tags hang in the front of his white, sleeve-less shirt. His hair styled in the usual two horns. Logan ignored the look I was giving him for the cigar hanging from his lips.

"So, Logan," He let out a grunt in acknowledgment. "Where were you last night?"

Logan smirked. I was already disgusted as his — somehow — clear thoughts pushed through my mind. I made a face, scrunching up my face, whining at his chuckles.

"Why would you do that?" I whine. Logan glanced at me.

"Because, its fun."

"You don't let me look at anything else. But you let me see that?"

Bucky looked between us like a bouncy ball. An adorable confused look on his face. The crinkle between his eyebrows caused the frown lines to appear.

I turn to him after glaring at Logan. I fought the blush on my cheeks as I had to tell I read minds. Knowing that the man across from me was going to tease me. I dreaded it. I just pray that Bucky will be able to mask his emotions. Oh, who am I kidding? He will be worse!

"I can read minds."

Bucky's face became even more confused. But slowly his face started to turn red as his blue eyes widen causing Logan to laugh even louder. A few soldiers turn our way before turning back around.

"Oh, so all those times..." Bucky trailed off as the blush spread to this ears. I nodded shyly.

"You guys are making me throw up in my mouth."

I glared at Logan who was too blunt for his own good. But, once again, he ignored my glares and returned to his glob that we call food.

"Did Steve ask you to join his group yet?" I ask Logan who rolled his eyes but nodded his head nonetheless.

"I survived this many wars. What's one more?"

Bucky leaned in closer.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm a mutant, kid." Logan grunted without a care. I sent him a look before looking at Bucky in concern. You don't know how much his mind can take this much information. It can burst with excitement or deflate with too much information!

"I thought they were just stories." Bucky muttered to himself in a daze. He glanced back up at Logan in awe. "Cool!"

And for the first time, which shocked both Bucky and I, Logan smiled at the starstruck stare that Bucky was wearing. It got me thinking that there was hope for their relationship working. That I can get the two boys to get along without having to worry about Logan ripping Bucky's head off when I'm not in the room.

Broken Start// b. barnesWhere stories live. Discover now