"Take Me!"

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I was jolted awake, rubbing my eyes to get rid of he sleep, as metals clanged against metals. Groggy and slowly each cell woke up to see what the commotion was about. Groaning came from our cell, Jacques cursing in French for making noise at this ungodly hour. I became more alert when a short man with glasses perched on his nose stopped in front of our cell, he wore a lab coat and no hair was on his head. He was muttering to the guards around him about his next experiment. A creepy grin spread across his face when our eyes connected, Bucky's hand tighten on my waist, the Doctor's grin got wider when he saw Bucky's hand. The boys seem to notice his stare as well and moved in front of me protectively.

The Doctor lifted his finger and pointed it right at me, his smile never wavering. My eyes widen knowing that the outcome was not going to have a happy ending. That my life was going to get complicated and it frightened me as I thought that I might never see day-light again after this. I would never see Bucky, I won't hold Blue ever again, I didn't say good-bye to Steve or Peggy or Howard.

"I want her." Those three words caused chaos and my friends all shouted, attacking the HYDRA guards as they rushed in. Bucky pushed me behind him, trying to hide me. He fought harder than the others but even that wasn't enough as they punched him and one by one my friends got beaten for protecting me.

Bucky shouted out to me when the soldiers grabbed ahold of me I tried to look back but a punch in the gut was thrown my way every time I did. He was held back, as were the others, by the guards. They called my name as we left the cell. I made eye contact with Logan who gripped the bars and his face twisted into a snarl, I can hear the growls leaving his mouth.

"Tell Blue that his momma loves him." I tell Logan through our link. Tears appear in his eyes, I was surprised because he rarely ever shows his emotions. But I knew that Logan would take care of Blue if they were to ever meet. I almost sobbed right at the spot knowing that I can never spend a life with Blue, that I won't be able to see his first step, his first tooth, his first words. I would never be able to see him grow up.

"You'll tell him yourself." I didn't get a chance to ask what he meant because before Logan could open his mouth a voice cut him off.

"Take me!" The guards stopped but their grips didn't loosen as we all turned to the voice. I immediately struggled and squirmed against the guards' hold trying to get Bucky to shut up. "Take me instead. Not Kitara." Bucky begged. I pleaded with my eyes. Begging him to be quiet. He didn't know that between the both of us, I have the best chance at surviving whatever this psycho doctor was going to do to me. Even if that meant that I can't see my loved ones ever again.

"Sarge," I whisper, "don't do this."

"Well, the girl was only for entertainment." The perverted doctor admitted with a shrug scanning Bucky up and down. "But I guess, you will do." He did a motion with his hand and the guards roughly grabbed Bucky pulling him out of the cell, we didn't lose eye contact the whole time.

"Bucky," I pleaded again. His eyes softened, if his arms weren't being held I knew he would have touched my cheek.

"It's alright, Doll. As long as you're safe."

I watched, helplessly, as they pulled him past the doors that the prisoners call, 'No return'. And I don't know if this is the last time I am ever going to see Sargent James Buchanan Barnes again.


Days, weeks, months...

I don't know how long time has passed since HYDRA took Bucky. But it has been too long for us... for me.

On the first night without Bucky sleeping behind me I snapped my fingers to conjure up a matching set of keys from the guards. And I would exit the bar cage to search for Bucky. Although, I'm not going to lie, it has been a challenge. Roaming around the guarded hallways for a soldier in an unknown place where you could get caught at any moment. Whether or not I was using my powers. I have been doing that at least every other night so I wouldn't raise suspicion.

When I would return to the cell before sunlight, my body was already dragging behind me after a long night. Since no one knew about my nightly outings I couldn't get any sleep in before the guards came to get me for the daily torturing. After Bucky volunteered to take my place in the secret experiment the doctor had, it seemed to be their mission to hurt me more often than usual. Especially, since they know that Bucky was not here anymore waiting for me in the cell. And the HYDRA soldiers take pride in beating a woman by the way they mock and laugh at the pain or whimpers that I make.

I tried to look around my surroundings and mark which way we are going so it'll be easier to track down Bucky and find a way out of here but one of the guards caught on. So, they starting putting a bag over my head. I thought that using my enhance hearing would work but the echoes were making it difficult to pinpoint the location.

Dum Dum was the one who tended to my healing wounds. A silent conversation would pass between us. He did that for the first couple of nights and I allowed him... that is before my curiosity got the best of me. But I had a hunch that Bucky had something to do with it.

This last interrogation was worse than the others. It never involved any burning or shooting. Only broken fingers, threatening to kill my loved ones, stabbing and/or cutting, but never actually grabbing a stake and plunging it into the fire to burn the marks into my skin nor pointing a gun at my head. HYDRA must be running out of ideas or time if they went to the extreme to get information out of me. Even with my high pain intolerance, it hurt like Hell.

As Dum Dum was currently wrapping up my burned upper arm, I took the time to analyze him. And maybe to gather up the courage to ask him a question.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked him. Dum Dum halted his wrapping before tying a knot on the cloth not answering me as he leaned back.

Dum Dum sighed. "Bucky made me promise him that if anything were to happen to him... it would be my job to protect you." He revealed, he stole a glance up at me. I was shocked that Bucky would ask that of his soldiers. Does that mean that what he said to me was true? "He saved my life, you know? So, I owe it to him, both Sergeant and friend, to his last wish to keep his gal safe." Dum Dum promised. My heart clenched when the thought came to me that Bucky might be dead, he would never take me on a date, I would never get the chance to introduce him to Joey. I grabbed both of his hands in mine and with the last bit of energy I gave him a squeeze. I didn't want to argue 'cause that would waste more of my energy and seeing as I'm about to pass out from exhaustion, I gave in.

"Thank you." I whisper, laying down to go to sleep.

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