Third Wheel

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It takes a while for a person to grieve over the loss of someone they love. Whether it be a pet, a person, or even a object. I have cried over many friends and family my entire life. I cried over my parents. I cried for my older sister. I cried over my first love. I cried over leaving home.

When I first came to this earth I made a vow to never shed a tear again. To be stronger than I was. Because, pain makes us stronger no matter how horrible it is. No matter how bit the traumatic the experience is. 

But I forgot all about that stupid promise when the news of Bucky's death reached me. I became too unstable that I unleashed my powers across a hundred-mile radius. It turned heads of fear and disgust my way. But the Howling Commandoes and Steve stood by my side the entire month. Logan, especially, stood by my side and growled at any unwanted looks that he didn't like.

"I may not have liked the Sargent, kid, but he was special to you." Logan told me one night. "Which means that I had to tolerate him." It brought an heartwarming feeling over me that Logan was capable of something so genuine and kind. I couldn't not help but hug him for his words. I laughed when he huffed and reluctantly hugged me back. But we both knew that he enjoyed it more than he showed.

For the past month, Steve and I have been planning for a way to get in the HYDRA Base in the Appalachian Mountains to finally put an end to the Red Skull's scheme. 

I know that it never comes any good when it comes to revenge but I couldn't help when a part of me craved it. Craved to kill the evil man for taking away my best friend and fiancé. A father-to-be. I want to get revenge for Bucky. But the most civil part of me wants to stay sane and bring him in and demand him why he created HYDRA in the first place. If it hurts him to hurt and kill people that bring no value to him.

The plan was coming together perfectly to when we ambush the base. Although, I didn't like the part where Steve is going to willingly hand himself over and get beat up to buy the rest of us some time to destroy the rest of the building. But that doesn't mean that I'm surprised because muscles or not, Steve still manages to get beat up.

Peggy and I agree to be the distraction. One; because of my pregnancy (which Steve still doesn't know about). And, two; because Steve would kill me if I snuck Peggy to the main action instead of the distraction.

Once Steve gets captured and buys us some time — Logan, Dum Dum, and Gabe will break through the windows of Schmidt's office while the others go with Peggy and I to (how Colonel Chester put it) 'knock on their front door.'

"Whose plan was it again?" Peggy asks out of breath as we aim the gun up to the entrance with a HYDRA weapon that we may or may not have stolen. As soon as Morita said to 'go!' Us, girls, had slipped out of hiding with the rest of the army and made our way to the door. Attacking the enemy in surprise.

"I believe it was Steve." I say, partly lying to get myself out of trouble. The brunette agent gave me a look. "I helped a little."

"Well, whatever part you 'helped' with... I hate it!"

Pulling the trigger, the door was pushed back into pieces. The force of air pushed our hair back. Everyone walked forward with our weapons drawn. Shooting anything and everything that was wearing a mask or had the red octopus symbol. I gave her a exasperated look.

"Never said you had to like it, Peg." I tell her with a shrug. "Only said that this is the plan."

She sighed at how true my words sounded. I start to run down the hallway to where Steve should be with Schmidt. 

I used my powers along the way, making sure to be cautious with my stomach. Peggy shot with her pistol never once missing a shot. It was exhausting, trying to protect — not only yourself and your unborn child — but the soldiers who came with you on this mission.

A grunt left my mouth as I slam the enemy into the wall with my telekinesis. I felt my energy drain from my body at how much I used it. Sweat slid down my brow and I gently place a hand on my belly to reassure myself. 

When I turn to search for Peggy a shot rang out. Out of instinct, I raised up my hand to summon my shield, my eyes squeeze shut thinking that I was too late. But the pain never erupted throughout my body nor did I want to fall to the ground. Looking up I saw Peggy with her gun raised and aimed at a HYDRA soldier who was creeping up behind me. I notice blood gushing from his stomach, letting me know that the bullet had gone straight through. I watch as he falls to the ground; dead.

"You owe me one, Danvers."

"I think I owe you two, Carter." I correct her gesturing to my stomach.

Before she could respond a loud thunk vibrated throughout the hallways. Everyone glanced at each other in question. Peggy and I gave each other a look before leading the others over to the sound.

My eyes widen when I saw Steve's back to us, a HYDRA soldier had twin guns raised up and aimed at Steve. 

Why wasn't he defending himself?

That's when I saw the familiar red, white, and blue shield stuck in a door, keeping them from shutting. I go to run over when the HYDRA soldier pulls the trigger and blue fire starts to come out. But it seems like a certain British agent had beat me to it.

With her rifle aimed at the tank strapped to his back, just only shot was all it needed to explode. Quickly, I raise my arms up and my blue shield blocks the flames from causing us any harm.

Steve whips around to stare at us behind him with wide eyes. We both gave him a smirk as we walk closer.

"You're late." Steve said.

"Tell me you're not complaining." Peggy retorts giving him a look.

I look back and forth between the two love birds. I could feel the chemistry the two have, it was almost cringe-worthy. Its like you want to just shout at them for being so stupid yet you want to push one to the other making them "accidentally" kiss.

I roll my eyes.

"Ok, enough of this." I mutter to myself, putting my hand on Steve's shoulder. It was hard to do since he was shorter before and I didn't need to strain to reach it. "You need to catch Schmidt and then you two can kiss or do whatever it is you kids want to do"

A blush appears on both of their cheeks. Steve cleared his throat out of embarrassment.


We watch as he sprints to the door, taking the shield with him. My heart clenched as the doors slam behind him blocking him from our view. It felt like this was going to be the last time I see him. A gut feeling. And it was a feeling that I hate. Because, it's what I felt with Bucky.

I jump in surprise at the sudden smack that the woman beside me had given me.

"Ow!" I yelp dramatically. "What was that for?"

Peggy waves to the squad behind her to follow us. We start to jog and return to fighting, creating as much damage as we could.

"Oh, how Bucky would enjoy this." I think to myself.

"That was for embarrassing me." Peggy said it like it was obvious.

I kicked the soldier who was too close for me to use my powers. He grunts upon impact but he screamed when I break his arm. Wanting it done with I snap his neck, turning to Peggy I gave her an exasperated look.

It was weird. We were having a conversation like it was normal to talk with chaos going on around us. Things going up in flames and people dying.

"Well, neither one of you were going to say it." I defend myself. "And it's weird being the third wheel."

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