The Rescue

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"Have any of you guys had dreams?" Gabe suddenly asked resting his arm on his bent leg. Every once and a while he would bang the back of his head against the rusty bars. "Like," he shrugged, "if this war never happened... what would you be doing right now?"

It got quiet. No one said anything as I scanned each and every one of their faces.  That is, until Dum Dum broke it.

"Well, I have always wanted to be a veterinarian." Everyone snorted (I think I even heard a snort out of Logan), throwing playful insults at him. "What? It's true!" Dum Dum defended himself, scoffing he turned back to Gabe. "And you, Gabriel? What did you want to be?"

The laughter stopped curious as to what Gabe's answer was. With a tilt of his head, Gabe thought about his response for a second.

"I always wanted to be a mechanic." He settled with a shy smile. "Like my Father."

The guys snorted as they muttered to themselves. A little smile lifted on the corner of my lips from the cursing Jacques was saying in French. I rubbed my already dirty cloth to try to wipe the dirt and dry blood off my face that I haven't washed in weeks. With the little water that they give us once a week in a small bucket, we decided as a group to only use it to clean our faces as much as we can. The rest we use for only drinking or if we get any wounds from the guards we use it to wash the dirt away before it could get an infection.

Everyone jumped up as a bang echoed throughout the dirty prison base. Without wasting a second, we all got into a defensive position and looked up. I raised an eyebrow when I saw a guard lying on his back. A man in a uniform was on top of him taking his keys from his belt. Is this the backup that the S.S.R. sent? Because, he could be a little more stealthier and secretive.

"Who are you supposed to be?" Gabe asked the mystery man.

The man looks around to make sure no one heard the noises. (Which I doubt). He's lucky enough that the alarms haven't been rung, yet.

"I'm... Captain America." The man answered a bit out of breath. I looked down recognizing the deep voice that came out of the mystery man's mouth. Where have I heard his voice from?

"I beg your pardon?"

Our mysterious savior didn't answer instead he ran down further down the hall. Most likely trying to find a way to us prisoners. Eruptions of questions surrounded our tiny cell. I looked back at Logan who shrugged not really caring who was saving us as long as he got out.

It wasn't long before multiple cell doors would squeak and moan as they were shoved open. Prisoners sent free and helping others to have the same fate. Before I even knew what was happening the man came across our cell. I got a good look at him as I scanned him up and down. He was muscular with wide shoulders. A — what used to be white — dirty star sat on the center of his chest and his helmet was blue with the letter 'A' in the front. A brown belt with pouches was wrapped around his waist. His suit was blue with red and white stripes wrapping around his torso. What I'm trying to say is... he is basically a walking United States Flag. But that's not what stood out the most. It was his eyes. His bright baby blue eyes. And it didn't confirm my suspicions until he opened the cell door and his eyes widen when they landed on me.

"Kit-Kat?" He asked me. Tears sprang to my eyes when I saw that it was him. It was Steve.

"Steve!" I gasped, throwing myself at him. I was so used to him stumbling every time I would throw myself to hug him so I was surprised when he didn't stumble. But I didn't care because it was Steve. "You're here!"

We pulled away looking at each. I smiled wide glad to have someone else I know here. Steve's eyes scanned my face in disbelief. We broke eye contact when a soldier pushed against Steves shoulder bringing him back to reality. He searched around and I wouldn't doubt that the person that he was frantically searching for was Bucky.

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