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I need y'all's help!!!

Okay, so I don't know whether to have the sequel go immediately go to the Avengers or to the X-MEN. Because, I already introduced Logan which suggested that the X-MEN universe is in the MCU.

But should I have Kitara join the X-MEN and as a mission from Peggy who sends her undercover to keep an eye on the CIA? Making her to meet Charles and Eric? If I do that, I was thinking to get Kitara and Eric to have a fling due to her still trying to get over Bucky and the "death" of her daughter. Then, later on have her Days of Future Past. Finishing with her adventures with the X-MEN in X2 having her reunited with Logan who has no recollection as to who she is. Which puts a big conflict between the DOFP and X2.

Or, should I just go to the Avengers and have Kitara tell flashbacks of her adventures? Which I will have to try to think long and hard on how to do that to fit it into the story. I will follow the movies if I take this route. 

So, I will have you guys decide. Vote on which one you want to read and I will choose the one with the most votes. But just to let you guys know; that no matter which one I choose to make a sequel I will end up writing the other one later on.



   The Avengers

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