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Location Unknown Two Years Later 1945

For the past two years, Steve and I have been taking down HYDRA bases scattered across Europe. From the map that Steve had surprisingly memorized in the lab that we had found Bucky in. My visions helped with the missions though. It had creeped out Logan at first, me knowing his every move with just a simple nap.

The same team that Steve had created in the bar was the only source of help in taking down the HYDRA bases; The Howling Commandos. The team consists of all of the men that were in the same cell Bucky and I were held in, along with a few others. Dum Dum, Jim, Gabe, Pinky, Falsworth, Jacques, Junior, and.... Logan.

Yes, they are idiots but the best idiots that we got.

Bucky and I have gotten closer ever since our private moment in my tent. For the first few months, Steve had been eyeing us as we tip-toe our way around him. Especially, Logan. Although, I have a feeling that he already knew with how much he glares at the back of Bucky's head. Or, the way Bucky would come back to our shared tent (well, it is actually my tent but he comes to sleep with me at night which consists of making it "our" tent) with his invisible tail in between his legs.

I still remember when we first kissed.


I still don't know that reason as to why Bucky wanted to meet with me alone in the woods that was next to camp. It's been a month since I told him about my past. A week since I stopped hiding from the team who took my new transformation better than I had originally thought. I was running my fingers through his hair with his head in my lap. Bucky's eyes were closed, blocking me from staring into his beautiful blue-grey eyes that I have fallen for.

The birds chirped up in the trees leaving a melody in the midst of our quietness. The silence between us was comfortable. I let out a deep sigh in satisfaction as a soft breeze blew through me hair. Bucky fluttered his eyes, looking up at me through his lashes as I continue to play with his hair.

"Who would you rather date? Me or Steve?" Bucky asked me. I hummed in thought.

"Do you want the truth?" I asked him, amused. He nodded. I didn't need to read his mind to know that he felt confident that I would say him. So, to wipe the smug, confident smirk off his face I answered with full honesty, "Steve."

Bucky shot up in his seat, baffled. "What? Why?"

I smirked at him with a shrug, "He's cute. Besides, who wouldn't have a crush on him? I did."

He grumbled under his breathe getting up from the ground starting to walk away.

"Hey, where are you going?" I called after him.

"To remind the little punk that you're mine." He growled. I laughed, quickly getting up, knowing full well that Bucky will never beat up Steve. Maybe a couple of punches and words but not to the point it will become a blown fight. But to be safe I ran after him pulling his arm back so he was facing me.

His eyebrows were furrowed with a scowl on his handsome face. He frowned when he saw my smile grow further in amusement.

"Yes, I admit that I had a crush on him before I met you." I told him, a flash of jealousy showed in his eyes. Gently, I put my hand on his cheek tenderly. "But you stole my heart." I added with a whisper.

We both stared into each other's eyes. I didn't comprehend what he was going to do next until his lips were shoved onto mine. My eyes widen and my body tensed up. But before he could pull away in regret I put both of my hands on his cheeks to hold him closer. I felt his large calloused hands snake around me waist.

Broken Start// b. barnesWhere stories live. Discover now