Father Figure

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I've lost count on how long I have over-stayed my visit. But for the time passed by, I got closer to my cellmates for however long we are going to be here and Logan and I spent every other night talking to each other as everyone slept the night away. Bucky and I also have gotten closer, learning new things about each other.

At least once a week a group of guards would stop in front of our cell to take me, quite roughly might I add, to the back room to interrogate me. But the soldiers, especially Bucky, put up a fight for them not to touch me. Ever since that happened the first time, a group of guards started coming to push them back. I think Logan almost broke down the bar door because of the way they returned me back to the cell.

Sometimes I came back with burns, broken bones, slashes all over my body, bruises but by the end of the day it was like they never existed thanks to my healing ability, although its hard to lie about a wound that suddenly disappeared. Bucky would curse out to the guards that brought me back and never left my side for the rest of the night. HYDRA questioned me about my status in the war, torturing me when I didn't give them the answers they wanted.

Quite literally; it was torture.

But while I was separated from the group getting my own 'special treatment' the others were taken to do hard labor. Logan is the only one that gives me the blunt of the truth that is going on around here, since Bucky nor anyone else wants to tell me anything. True, I can read their minds but after a whole day of almost bleeding out... It sure does tire out my body causing me not to want to do anything. Logan says that the HYDRA soldiers are using them to do the heavy lifting to build machines. For what? No one knows. But I bet all I have that it has to do with those guns that they used on the battlefield that shot out strange blue stuff.

"If we ever get out of here," Bucky starts to say, my head laying on his lap as his hands ran through my hair. He laid against the uncomfortable metal bars. We were trying to spend time by talking the night away. "I'm gonna take you on a date." I froze slowly turning my chin up to look at him, my eyes meet his. I narrowed my eyes with suspicion when I saw a smirk appear on his face.

"Why?" I question him. His face contorted into mock offense.

"Can't I take a gal out dancing?" Bucky's Brooklyn accent was heard more clearer in that sentence. I raised an eyebrow. "Fine. I just thought since you and Stevie aren't a thing... I might take my chances," A blush appeared on his cheeks and a smile spread across my face, "by asking."

"Steve said that you made the girls blush..." I poked his cheek. "Not the other way around. What changed?"

Bucky smiled, like he was in a trance. "You." His smiled widen once the heat rushed to my cheeks. "There's the blush."

It was silent for awhile, just memorizing each other's faces as the comforts of silence covered us like a blanket. The snores and quiet chatter from the other soldiers around the prison faded away and it was only me and Bucky.

"I was always known as a ladies man, the flirt... As I grew up, people would say that I would never settle down. That no girl is ever gonna change my ways..." Bucky rambled continuing to play with my hair, I laid there silently playing with his fingers, listening to his words. "Yet, here I am, sitting in a cell with three men in the middle of a war with the most beautiful girl I have ever seen... that I am willing to change for if she asks me." As I stare into his blue eyes the first thing I noticed is the vulnerability that he put into his words.

"First of all, I would never ask you to change. Second of all," I sit up to be eye-level with him. But I didn't think it through when I realize how close we were. "How do you know that I am that girl?"

He shrug's. "Let's call it a hunch." I rolled my eyes.

"A hunch?"

"Yea, a hunch that might just change everything."

I lay my hand against his cheek. Bucky inhaled a sharp breath of air. "Well, if you want this to work... You have to try better than a couple of flirting." I joked, Bucky laughed quietly careful not to wake anyone up.

"No flirting, gotcha." He gave me a playful thumbs up causing me to laugh. "But," He raised a finger, "can I call you 'Doll'?" He asked me. I made a thinking face.

"As long as I call you Sarge." I compromised but I knew by his face that he didn't like that. "Hey, if you call me Doll than I get to call you Sarge."

"How come the Punk doesn't get the same treatment?" Bucky argued referring to Steve. "He calls you 'Kit-Kat' and you still call him Steve."

"Because, I quite like Steve." I admitted, amused when I saw jealousy flash in his eyes. "So, he gets special treatment. Although... now, don't tell him this." I pointed sternly at him. "But behind his back I call him, Small-Fry." Together, we laughed as if we weren't sitting in a cell — dirty, greasy, and covered in dried blood — like there was no war going on outside, that tomorrow we wouldn't have to go through horrors anymore.

Before Bucky fell asleep, we talked about about our families (well, more like he spoke about his family), our interests, Steve. He talked about his younger sister, Rebecca and how much the two of us would get along, he also told me about her huge crush on Steve. When I was about to voice in my thoughts into the conversation, soft snores cut me off from behind me. I craned my neck to find Bucky lying asleep. I smiled softly, laying my hands over his that are wrapped around my waist as we laid on the uncomfortable concrete floor. Everything was silent by now only the soft patter of water dripping from a leaky pipe, the snores of the other soldiers being held in the cells surrounding us.

"So, not in love, huh?" Logan's gruff voice teased out in the darkness. I snapped my head up to where Logan was sitting. He was already looking at us with a smirk on his face with a raised eyebrow. "I know I might not be your dad, Kid, but..." The smirk was gone so the seriousness could appear in its place. "I can, and will, kick his ass if he hurts you." I chuckled.

"We aren't in love, Logan. But I trust you on the 'kick-his-ass' part." We both chuckled.

"That's a first." He said. I gave him a confused look. "Usually, daughters would tell their fathers that the guy they're courting wouldn't hurt them... or, that their dad's are embarrassing them... or, that they should stay out of their business. But not you... you are actually giving me permission to beat him to the pulp." Logan explained. Sadly, I stare at him as he talked.

"I kind of wish that I had a father figure growing up because than it wouldn't have had hurt so bad." I admitted. "The first guy I fell in love with; I had to leave behind. The second guy; cheated on me with my best friend. And now Bucky..." I tightened my hold on his hands who gripped tighter on my waist. "I am hoping that he is different."

"Don't worry, Kid. If it don't work out, I will be there to support you." Logan promised. I gave him a grateful smile before falling asleep.

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