A Hunch

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I scolded Steve about the incident that had happened that early morning. For being oblivious and for assuming about what goes on in a women's mind. Steve was like a kicked puppy and if I didn't know him enough to ignore it I would have let it slide but I did know him so he was getting the end of the sword. Steve apologized profusely as I taught him a lesson while Bucky stood in the background with an amused smirk that he covered behind his hand. I would turn to him with a sharp glare when snickers were heard which immediately shut him up with wide eyes.

"I thought she was fonduing with Howard!" Steve's said defending himself. I gave him a look in disbelief, waving my hands around before slamming them on my side.

"Steve! 'Fondue' is bread and cheese!" I yell at him to which he nodded shyly.

"I know. Howard already told me."

I sigh turning around to face him. I had yelled at him the entire trip up the underground training room and up to the surface of the camp. The clouds were grey letting us know that their was going to be a chance of rain.

"First, learn about women before getting one." I advise to him. Steve blushed in embarrassment and shame. "And you should not be apologizing to me but to Peggy." And not a moment to soon, Steve bolted away to find the brunette agent.

I start to walk away to find Logan. Maybe to annoy him or hear war stories from him. Hurried footsteps ran from behind me but I thought nothing of it thinking that it was only soldiers training. My appearance was back to its original illusion; no more colorful hair, no strange eyes, no more scars showing.

The man huffed and puffed next to me as he started to walk in pace with me. I steal a glance and chuckle at Bucky's red face and his cheeks puffing out. 

It was silent between us for a while. Neither one of us not knowing what to say. It wasn't until we got inside my tent did Bucky speak up.

"I feel like I don't know you anymore." He blurts out. I turn my head over to look at him. Bucky's eyes were staring at me, his head was tilted to the side while his eyes narrow with distrust. There was a battle going on his mind. It flashed with memories of us together in that cell, when we first met, being rescued by Steve. I don't have the power of empathy but I can almost — in this moment — feel the jealousy when he saw me with Steve or Howard trying to flirt with me. "I don't know if I can trust you or not. Apparently, you can trust me because all you have to do is read my mind." He jokes. "But I can't read yours and to be honest? It scares me."

My eyes soften.

"You are talking about my appearance changing back in the training room." I said, lowering my eyes to the ground. I inhale a sharp breath. "I hide myself so others won't point at my unusual appearance." I admit. I made my way to my cot and took a seat patting the space next to me. Without hesitation, Bucky sat down beside me, ready to listen. "When Blue was born I was so afraid that he would get my weird eyes or his hair was going to be a an unnatural color. I don't want him to grow up and be uncomfortable with himself all because his mom was different. He doesn't deserve that." I ranted. "He deserves better. But when Blue was born and he opened his eyes for the first time, I fell in love. All of those negative thoughts flew out the window when I saw his neon blue eyes. They shinned like the stars above us."

"Hence, the name Blue." Bucky commented. I laughed, turning my neck towards him with a nod. A smile formed on Bucky's face.

"Blue may have his dad's eyes but he has the uniqueness that comes with  it." I say with honesty. "I hide because for most of my life I was running away from a man that hunted me down to be his puppet. His weapon. And I don't want the same thing to happen to my son. That is why I hide myself. For my son's safety and so he won't grow up without a mother." I puffed out my cheeks as my throat tightened with emotion. "Like I did. Blue already has to grow up without a father, I don't want him to loose me." 

Bucky's hand gently fell on top of mine, squeezing it slightly.

"He won't," Bucky promises when our eyes made contact. "I promise that as long as I live I will protect you. So, you can go home and raise your son. Heck, I will be right beside you every step of the way. You are beautiful, Kitara Danvers! With or without the hidden appearance. And, Blue is lucky to have you as his mother." I smiled softly at his words. A soft blush starts to rise to the tips of his ears. "I am lucky to have you by my side."

I put my hand against his cheek. I could feel a little bit of stubble start to form on the surface making it tickle my palm. Bucky leaned into my touch.

"That is a pretty big promise, Sarge." I whispered, afraid that someone might hear us. Bucky smiled.

"Yea, it is. But it is worth keeping when it comes to you, Doll." Bucky scanned my face, trying to memorize every detail while I do the same. "Can I see it? Your eyes?" 

I was taken aback by the question. I was hesitant to show him my strange eyes but the reassurance in his blue-grey eyes scared it away. I nodded slowly, closing my eyes before opening them up. He gasped softly, taking them in. I went to look away, already bracing myself for the disgust and for him to push me away. But I was surprised when he stops me by putting his hands on my cheeks, preventing me from looking away.

"I was right." He muttered. "Still beautiful." I blushed, not resisting it. His eyes widen in awe as my hair changed to its natural rainbow state. But they quickly darkened as the scars appear, too. Taking one hand from my cheek his dragged his fingertips — creating a shiver down my spine to which he slightly smirked in accomplished in his mind — down my neck and arms. They stopped on the tattoo that was drilled on my arm since I was ten. "What's this?' He asked me, his eyes never leaving the numbers.

I took a shaky breath as the memories start rushing back. All fo the screams, the begging, the kicking... the punishment.

"It's a brand that reminds me of everything that happened in that lab." I admit. "Its a date of when it happened. When I first became his property." Bucky's hold tighten.

"You are no one's property, Doll." He said, like it wasn't already implanted into my brain. "Especially not that man's." He was growling at this point. I calmed him down by putting my hand over his that was still on my cheek. He looked up at me and his tense shoulders quickly relaxed.

"I know."

It got quiet between us, leaving us in a comfortable silence. Like, we were in our own little world. Bucky suddenly furrowed his eyebrows together. "How come you didn't deny me helping you raise Blue?"

I smirked, repeating what he had said to me that felt so long ago in that cell, "Let's call it a hunch."

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