Double Date

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"Please, Kitara?" Steve begged over the phone. "I need you to do me this one favor. I just — I just don't want to have another date to end up failing..."

I pursed my lips, thinking. I mean, it wouldn't hurt and besides for a while now Steve has been wanting to introduce me to his best friend; Bucky. Currently, Steve was trying to convince me into being his date for the Stark Expo for tonight.

"Fine." I caved. He cheers through the phone. "But only because I have been wanting to go for a while."

"I will not let you down. I am forever in your debt. Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I smiled. "I promise that I will be the best date you will ever have." He jokes. I snorted, which is unladylike in the 40s.

"You better be because I expect flowers, roses to be specific, and I want you to be in a crisp suit." I joked back. He chuckles. "Where do you want to meet up?"

He hummed. "Can you meet us at the Expo? I want it to be a surprise for Bucky, since now I'm bringing a date. A beautiful one at that." I don't think that I was supposed to hear that last part.

"Sure, I will meet you there. At nine?" I checked with him.

"Yea... You have someone to watch Blue?" Steve asked.

"I'm going to leave him with a friend." I told him. Which I am, give or take a couple of years into the future. "Bye, Stevie."

He chuckles. "Bye, Kit-Kat." I hung up, with a heavy sigh. I walked to my room to get ready for the night.


I wore my red with black polka dotted dress, that had white buttons running down the front. My feet ached in the black inch heels. I wore one of Steve's jackets, that I might or might not have stolen. It still smelled like him which makes it my favorite.

I stood right beside the golden globe stature, a headache began to form as the many voices flooded to my brain. I gently rubbed my temple and looked around, silently praying that Steve would get here faster.

Two girls, who stood right next to me, were giggling and gushing to each other. I smiled as a precious memory flashed through one of their heads. They were together but had to keep it a secret. Different men had to take either one of them on dates just so people won't get suspicious.

I felt someone staring at me so I looked up, my eyes clashing with steel blue eyes that stared intently at me. I didn't want to seen fragile, so I stared back. His gaze was intense almost making me waver just a bit. I took the time to study him. My eyes roamed his face; from his sharp jaw line to his plump lips and from his crooked hat to his uniform. His green uniform hugged his body, rather nicely might I add, and from the way his body is turned to the side, I had the perfect view of his butt. Let me just say that it did wonders to it. I frowned as I recognized the Army uniform, I looked through his mind and saw that he was expected to be in the 107th, front lines by tomorrow.

James Buchanan Barnes. Or as Steve told me million's of times before; Bucky.

A hand waved in front of his face, causing him to blink rapidly. I smirked in victory but quickly frowning when I felt my heart pounding in my chest.

My eyes followed the hand that distracted the handsome man, my eyes brighten when I saw Steve walking beside him. He didn't notice me yet as they got closer. The girls waved excitedly at them. So they are the dates that Steve warned me about. Well, at least I know that Bucky is doing it to help.

Without hesitation, I ran over to Steve with my arms spread wide open.

"Steve!" I shouted his name. They both looked up, seeing me. A large smile appeared on his face and he opened his arms as well. I slammed into him, an oomph left his mouth upon the impact but surprisingly he managed to stay upright. We hugged for a while before someone cleared their throat making us pull apart. Steve blushed but the smile not once left his face. I pouted when his hands were empty. "Steve, where are my roses? You promised me roses." I teased, a smile on my face. He playfully glared.

"If I get you roses, you have to give me back my jacket." He pointed to the jacket that I was wrapped in.

I huffed, crossing my arms, "Fine."

"Aren't you going to introduce me to the gal, Steve?" A voice quipped in. I looked up and gapped at how tall his was up close. If I were to stand closer I would stand to his shoulders. He puffed out his chest to try to impress me, I raised my eyebrows in amusement, glancing to Steve giving him an 'is he serious?' look. He nodded. Bucky grabbed my hand and raised it to his lips. "James Buchanan Barnes, at your service, ma'am." He smirked as he saw my blush. "And you are?"

I shook my head. "Kitara Danvers," I introduced myself, pulling my hand free to grabbed Steve's. "Steve's date." His face flashed in surprise as his eyes darted to and from me and Steve. To tease not only Bucky but Steve as well. I kissed Steves cheeks, nice and slow. I could feel the heat rushing into his cheeks and Bucky's wide eyed stares boring into the side of my face. I pulled away, satisfied when I saw a lipstick stain against his cheek and turned to Bucky whose jaw dropped to the ground. "Are you just going to stand there or are we going to go?" I asked and walked off.

"Where did you find a spite fire like that one, Punk?" Bucky asked from behind me. I imagine Steve shrugging, the blush never leaving.

"I'm still trying to figure that one out, Jerk."

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