chapter 2

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The next day, you settle into your couch and turn on the television; it was still on the news channel from the day before. You see that the kidnapper was caught and it was John. You frown as you try to figure out how someone so nice to you could be responsible for such a heinous crime. The news anchor stated that none of the children recovered were sexually assaulted, just malnourished and dehydrated. The bit ended with her saying she's thankful that so many families were able to be reunited.


Two work filled weeks had gone by before you had to double check your work schedule. You see that your shift today is 3 pm-10 pm so you allow yourself to relax this morning. You clean the dishes and bathroom and write 1/2 a song before returning to your couch to watch the show "Columbo," which was just recently added to Netflix. You allow the nostalgia to overcome you after only a couple episodes. It reminded you of when you'd watch the show with your father when you were in middle school.

Once you arrive at work, you clock in and search for Sasha. She was usually the one to make the schedules so she always made sure to work the same days and hours you did- you know, buddy system. You make your way to the break room to drop off your purse and see her talking to the busboy, Justin. You wave hello to both of them and they awkwardly look at each other before quickly returning the greeting. You put your things away in your locker and whisk your friend away so that you guys could get started on taking drink orders for the minimal amount of customers in the diner.

"Good afternoon Sheriff Beckman, what would you like to get started with today?" You ask politely.

"Good afternoon (Y/n), I'll get a coffee and if it's not too much trouble a slice of that pecan pie over there." He says in his usual husky voice.

"You got it Sheriff! I'll get a new pot of coffee started just for you." You respond with a smile as you make your way to the next customer to take their order and start the coffee machine.

After serving all your customers and checking on the ones who had been there the longest, you make your way back to the Sheriff.

"Would you like anything else?"

"No thank you, (Y/n). Just the check," he says leaning over to take his wallet out of his pocket.

"You got it! I'll be back in a second." When you return to drop off the check he looks like he's debating something with himself. You're about to leave when he stops you.

"Actually, (Y/n) I could use your help with something."

"Oh? And what can little old me do for you Ace?" you reply with a sweet tone.

He informs you about three prostitutes that have been murdered and he said that according to victimology, you fit his type; between the ages of 19-29, nice hair, and of ideal height. He proposed you go undercover and try to help them pick out the culprit. At first you're eager to learn how you getting involved would help them catch the killer but then you feel weary of putting yourself in such a high risk position. You ask him if you can think about it and he says yes, but to let him know your decision as soon as possible so that no one else can get hurt. You shake hands and he gives you a tip and leaves the diner. You decide not to consult Sasha on it because she wouldn't want you to willingly put yourself in harms way. You were just too curious about the process and you wanted to learn more about it. You are getting your PhD in criminology after all and so you knew to an extent what type of person they were looking for. You start thinking about the common expression "Curiosity killed the cat." Maybe it killed the cat, but it wouldn't kill you.


When it was time to leave work, you texted Sasha to ask if she was ready and she said yes but to give her a few minutes. While waiting you simply sat at the bar on the stool and scrolled through your phone; checking emails, voicemails, and dms. A few minutes go by and Sasha comes out of the kitchen, her hair a little out of place. You notice it and look up and to her eyes and she simply says, "I'll call you later." You let out a loud laugh and walk together to the parking lot.

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