*bonus chapter*

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"BABY?! Where's the bottle?" You called out to Spencer while you were bouncing your baby on your hip. She was crying and you just changed her so you thought maybe she was hungry.

"HERE! I'm coming!" Spencer yelled from down the hall. He quickly entered the nursery out of breath and handed you the bottle. You put her in a better position to feed her. You looked over at Spencer when she finally calmed down and smiled. 

A couple minutes of peace passed before your son entered the room. 

"D-Daddy," he sniffles. "I broke my toy." Your son holds it out to Spencer like an offering, tears slowly falling down his reddened cheeks. Spencer looks down at your son with a sad smile. 

"Hey, it's okay Ethan. Let's go fix him, yeah?" 

"Okay," Ethan mumbles before Spencer picks him up and takes him back to his room. 

Once your daughter finishes her bottle, you set it down and try to burp her. It takes a couple seconds before she lets some out. You smile and talk to her in your baby-voice, "Good girl! You're doing so good, Elle." Soon enough, she falls asleep on your shoulder. You slowly and gently lower her into her crib. You close the door quietly and walk over to Ethan's room. 

"HAHA I GOT YOU DADDY!" Ethan yells. Spencer was face down on the carpet and Ethan was sitting on Spencer's back. 

"AGH! I'll get you one day, Spiderman." Spencer says in a raspy voice before playing dead. For a second Ethan doesn't get that Spencer's playing. 

"D-Daddy?" Ethan's eyes start to well up. 

You kneel on the floor beside the two boys and you look at Ethan. 

"Honey, what's the best way to wake someone up?" 

"Oh, okay Mommy." Ethan takes a deep breath, leans over, and blows loudly in Spencer's ear, spit flying onto Spencer's face. 

"Eww, buddy. We talked about this. Don't listen to your mother," Spencer says smiling and wiping the spit off with his sleeve. 

Ethan giggled and looked at you. You nodded your head and the two of you began to tickle Spencer. 

"Tickle fight!" You yell and Ethan laughs loudly. 

"Oh, the two of you are gonna get it now!" Spencer somehow overpowers the both of you and gets up. You and Ethan begin running around the house with Spencer chasing you. "The tickle monster's gonna get ya!" 


"Do we have everything?" You look around the room, diaper bag on your shoulder. You twist your wedding ring around your finger a couple times. 

"Yes, and we're only staying for a couple- hey! Ethan, where's your bowtie?" Spencer asks. 

"Ummmm, nowhere?" You and Spencer tickle him and the room is filled with laughter, Elle coos from her carrier and you couldn't be happier. "Okay! Okay! Fine! Elle has it!" 

You walk over to the carrier and get the bowtie from underneath your daughter. You hand it to Spencer and he kneels on the ground to fasten it around Ethan's collar. 

"Okay, let's go everyone," Spencer says ushering everyone out and locking the door. He unlocks the door and you secure Elle's carrier in the backseat with the seatbelt. Spencer helps Ethan into his carseat and buckles his seatbelt. You get into the driver's side and Spencer gets in the passenger side. 

"How come I have to wear this stupid thing?" Ethan pouts and you glance at Spencer so he'll sort it out. 

"Because, your Poppa Rossi is very fancy and you don't want to walk in and be the only one in dinosaur pj's, do you?" Ethan shakes his head and Spencer nods. Spencer places his hand on your thigh. 

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