chapter 21

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"Soooo, what were you guys talking about?" You asked Spencer while he drove to the Rite Aid.

His grip tightened on the steering wheel as he blushed. "Oh you know, sports and stuff."

"Sports and stuff?" You repeated him with your eyebrows raised. He didn't evaluate and you didn't need him to. They were probably talking about you. You smiled at the thought of Derek giving Spencer dating advice.

I guess Savannah really changed things, huh?

As you pulled into the parking lot, you smiled at Spencer. He put the car in park and quickly exited to open your door for you. You giggled at him as he closed the door behind you and locked the car. You grabbed his hand and led him into the store, past the distracting, overfilled shelves of the store and to the right where the ice cream was. One of the cashiers walked over to the two of you as you scanned the ice cream flavors even though you already knew what you wanted.

"Hello, how can I help you guys tonight?" Ryan, the cashier, asks.

You look up at Spencer expectantly. "O-oh, uh, can I have a scoop of the mint chip, please? Oh, in a cup." Ryan nods and puts a spoon in before he places the cup on the top of the freezer. He looks at you.

"Can I have a scoop of the cherry chip? Also in a cup, please," you ask sweetly, looking up at Spencer who was licking the top of his ice cream. He looked so good, the makeup on his face almost completely gone- he probably washed it off in the bathroom earlier. You grab your cup of ice cream before walking over to the registers to get it all ringed up. When it is, you pay and Spencer places a hand on your lower back.

The two of you walked back to his car, silently enjoying your ice creams. Surprisingly, Spencer opened the door to the backseat so that you both could eat. You didn't think anything of it. You thought it was sweet how he leaned over to get a napkin and wipe off the excess ice cream you got on your face. You ate in silence, exchanging glances every now and then. You became increasingly aware of how fast your heart was beating. You wondered what the chances were that he could hear it. When you both finished, Spencer stacked the empty cups and set them on top of the compartment between the two front seats. He broke the silence first.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked timidly, fidgeting with his fingers in his lap.

"Hmm," you shoot him a smirk while you tap your chin. You laugh at the nervous look in his face. "Just about when we're gonna do this again."

"A-again? So you had a good time?" For such a tall man, his voice seemed so small.

"Of course I had a good time, SP. I love you so much. I literally don't care what we do as long as I get to spend time with you. With the job we have, it's tiring and difficult enough. I'm glad I get to share everything with you. I haven't felt this comfortable with someone in a long time." He looked completely enamored by you. You could see the way his eyes darted between yours and your lips while you talked. You noticed how he got a little more nervous when you shifted your body a little closer to him. He was silent, just watching you as you bit your lip looking at him awaiting a response. You leaned in closer to him, "What are you thinking about?" You twirled the strings on his cape around you finger, his breathing unsteady.

He held your face in his hand as he looked into your eyes. You bit your lip as he teased you with how close he was. "You." He placed a gentle kiss onto your lips. He pulled back and looked at you with admiration in his eyes. "Let's go home and watch that scary movie."


The two of you settled into your couch after you arrived home from your date. You felt like a high-schooler the way you couldn't wait to tell Sasha about it. You pulled up Netflix as you snuggled into Spencer's side under his arm. Your legs were laid across his lap, he reached up to grab the blanket over the top of the couch. He spread it out over you both, to keep you warm. He placed a kiss on your forehead as you pressed play on "Annabelle." You reached under the coffee table to grab a small clay jar from the shelf and placed it in your lap.

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