chapter 13

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You woke up in the back of a van. Your arms were duct taped behind you, your ankles bound together by the same duct tape. You knew how to get out of it but you didn't want to risk getting killed. You had a textured sack over your head. It smelled, earthy.

Potato sack? What is this? An 80's horror film?

You internally scoffed to yourself. Next, you tried to tune into the sounds you heard.

Crickets, it's definitely still night time. Buzzing? Hmm, cicadas? If those are cicadas, I must be in southern Virginia.

You tried to make notes of how the road felt.

Okay, bumpy, smooth, it keeps alternating. Freeway? But which one?

You heard the gravel crunch underneath the car before it came to a halt. You felt the front door of the van open and close, voices outside. You couldn't hear anyone breathing so you were probably in the back alone. You rolled onto your back, using your hands to feel if there were any tools beneath you. You were about to give up when you felt the handle of a screwdriver. You sneakily tucked it into the waistband of your leggings, adjusting your oversized shirt to cover the otherwise extremely visible bulge the tool made in your leggings. You tried to move your feet a bit, you still had your slippers on. Then the back doors of the van opened.

"I know you're awake now whore, I didn't dose you as much as I did the first time." The slightly familiar voice said. Your eyes widened, it was the one who called in Rufus all those years ago.

"Well, I can't exactly move given the way you've taped me up, now can I?" You remarked with a slight attitude, your eye twitching in frustration. He didn't respond, he just huffed and walked to the side. You slowly inched your way to the edge of the back of the van, carefully letting your legs hang over it trying to feel for the ground. When you did, you pushed up on your hands so that you could stand up. You heard him approach you before he roughly removed the potato sack from your head. You hissed, your eyes not used to the bright lights that were shining around you. You blinked until your eyes adjusted, focusing on him.

He was a few inches taller than you, short black hair, he was wearing a beanie. He had a sharp jaw and a gold chain around his neck, the Virgin Mary pendant laying over the black wifebeater top he was wearing. He had black jeans and black shoes on. In all honesty, he'd be cute if he wasn't being such a bitch.

He's not Spencer though.

He roughly grabbed your wrists, tugging you behind him towards a barn. He tossed you to the ground to open the large, faded red doors. You took note of the chipped paint outside. He walked back towards you and dragged you to the middle of it. He picked you up and sat you on the chair before beginning to walk out.

"You're not even gonna watch me? That's pretty dumb considering I'm a seasoned Federal Agent!" You holler after him.

"You must not be a very smart one. There's cameras lining this whole place. You're not going anywhere sweetheart, no matter how hard you try." He cackles at his response and leaves. You hear the clanking of chains outside, no doubt it's him locking you inside. You hear a click and a phone ring.

"Yeah, boss. The gift has been wrapped. Send in Santa and the elves." His voice is faint outside and you can't help but laugh at his code. Unfortunately, you were laughing too loud. "Shut the fuck up in there before I make you," he yells from outside angrily. You debate between making fun of him or keeping quiet. You weren't in the mood to be stabbed again, and you figured they'd beat the shit out of you eventually so you kept your mouth shut.

Okay, I have a screwdriver, I've been trained to escape situations like this. So, what do I do?

You close your eyes thinking about how you could leave.

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