chapter 17

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"Spence, I'm really hungry" you whine tugging on his sleeve, his other arm full of books he brought from the office.

"Me too," Edward said looking at you as you both fell into a fit of giggles.

"Okay, we can order take out. Are you guys good with Thai?" Spencer asked opening his apartment while you opened yours.

"Yeah, as long as I get Thai tea," you responded with a smile.

"Ooo me too!" Edward said excitedly.

Spencer put his books down in his apartment and quickly grabbed a change of clothes before locking it once again and entering yours. Edward was going to spend the night and then he'd leave to go to work the next morning. You on the other hand wanted a week off, and that's what you were going to get. You walked to your room, closing the door leaving the boys in the living room to converse.

When you were changing into your pajamas you couldn't help but worry about Patrick. You knew they took someone into custody and Patrick was the most sane one there. But would that do more harm than good? You didn't doubt that he'd share his perspective of what happened but would your trust in him get in the way? What if he wasn't the one they arrested? What if he was shot? You shook your head pushing the thoughts out of your mind. This was supposed to be a happy night. You were back home, Edward was here and so was Spencer.

You walked back out to hear the boys who were also in their pj's, and talking about a tv show, or was it a video game? Well whatever it was, they were bonding and you couldn't help but smile. You hugged your arms to yourself as you continued to watch them silently. If you didn't know any better, they'd be best friends too. Maybe Edward would help Spencer embrace technology and he won't be a technophobe anymore. You laughed behind them, they still hadn't noticed you'd been studying them. They immediately turned around and shared an embarrassed grin.

"Okay boys, I hope your chit chat didn't get in the way of me and my food," you said teasingly, walking over towards the recliner since the boys were on the couch. You cuddled into the brown suede, its fluffiness inviting you into a warm hug. You took in a deep breath and let your eyes close for a moment.

"The food's gonna be here in like," Edward checked his watch that was identical to your own, "10 more minutes. Oh Sissy, where's the bathroom?"

"Down the hall to the left."

"Okay, I'll be right back SP," he said to Spencer.

Spencer smiled as his eyes lit up, "Gotcha E."

Edward walked away leaving you and Spencer alone. The air was slightly tense, full of unspoken feelings. You didn't have anything you wanted to share in that moment so you pulled the white blanket off the top of the recliner and spread it over your legs to keep you warm. Spencer was watching you, looking at your tattoos that you no longer bothered to cover.

"Holy shit! Spence, isn't your birthday today?!" your eyes widened as you asked quickly.

"I mean y-yeah but I wanna take care of you today."

"What the fuck? I'm such a bad friend! I should've remembered earlier. Here, I'll pay for dinner and we can make Funfetti cupcakes while we wait," you said with a smile. You got up to go to the kitchen to pull the box cake mix out of the pantry next to your fridge.

"W-we don't have to, you should be resting."

"Don't underestimate me Doctor, I'm perfectly capable of making box cupcakes." You said in a teasing tone. He walked over to you, hopping up to sit on the island. He leaned back on his hands as he watched you take out a bowl, a whisk and the other ingredients you needed. Bobby walked into the kitchen with a confused look on his face.

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