chapter 16

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The medics rushed in after Hotch yelled and directed them towards where you were. Spencer insisted on not leaving you alone. For most of the time while you were getting treated for your injuries, Spencer couldn't help but study your bare figure. He took note of the tattoos you had; a red dragon down your back, a black snake wrapped around your left arm- its tail by your shoulder and its head just above your wrist; a rose on your right thigh, the stem in the shape of an H and some on your fingers on your left hand that he couldn't make out. Spencer's brain was always buzzing with statistics and passages of books he's read, but right now he had a million emotions rushing through him.

Who's Patrick? Did she not recognize me? Wow she's so beautiful. I can't believe I just- wow. Something traumatizing just happened and I'm ogling at her.

"Here," Hotch said snapping Spencer out of his daze handing him a jacket to give to you when you were ready to make your way to the hospital.

"Thanks," was all Spencer could say before Hotch walked away to give you more privacy while your wounds were still being tended to in the concrete room. The floor was slowly drying, the water flowed out and into a large drain in the hall of the warehouse you were in.


Once you arrived to the hospital, you were taken room to room to get x-rays. You were in pretty bad shape after being roughed up. Luckily, you only had a broken rib and everything else would just be sore for a while. Surprisingly, you didn't need stitches for any of the cuts you got from Patrick. As for the broken rib, you assumed that had happened in the time you were transported to the concrete room from the highway. Your mind would wander towards thinking of Patrick.

Did he get away? Is he okay? Wow, Spencer's been pretty attached to my hip. I mean it makes sense I did just get-

"Miss (Y/l/n)? Are you ready to go to your room?" the nurse asked sweetly.

"Oh, uh, yes, thank you." 

The hospital room you were in was pretty high up. You were still in southern Virginia, you looked out the window at the sunset. You still didn't know what time it was. You were sitting alone in the room, the beeping of the machine next to you filling the silence as you daydreamed. You had an IV in your arm, you were malnourished and they wanted to try to get you back to normal as soon as possible. You assumed you'd have to take a few days off from work due to what had happened. You looked at your wrists, rubbed raw by the handcuffs from hours before, you scooted over to look in the mirror in the bathroom; studying your bruises and cuts on your face.

"God, I'm so fucking ugly," you whispered to yourself.

"I'd have to disagree."

You jumped, you hadn't realized Spencer walked into your room. You plastered a smile on your voice, "I guess we're all entitled to our own opinions." Spencer pulled a chair from the side of the room and brought it closer to your bed so he could sit beside you.

"How are you feeling?," you gave him a look, "w-well I-I don't expect you to be okay I just thought I'd ask-"

"It's okay Spence," you giggled before wincing at the pain you felt in your ribs. "Ah, fuck."

"O-oh my god are you okay?"

"Just sore," was all you could say before sighing and looking back out the window. You couldn't tell him now. You weren't going to die. You had plenty of time to say it. You weren't ready. What if he didn't feel the same? What if he pretended to just because of how fucked up you looked?

No, he wouldn't do that. Spencer's not that kind of guy.

"C-can I stay tonight? Y-you don't have to say yes if you don't want me to. I just wanted to ask..." he trailed off before continuing, "I missed you C."

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