chapter 23

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You and Spencer were walking up the stairs of your apartment building in a comfortable silence. Even though you figured you already had the answer, you asked him "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm great," he said looking for his key. You softly grabbed his bicep and made him stop to look at you. You raised your eyebrow at him. "Ehhhhh, okay, maybe that's overselling it. I, uh, I feel great considering I just got shot in the neck."

"Good to know you've still got your sense of humor Dr. Reid," you said flatly. Once you stood in between the doors of each other's apartments, you gently grasped Spencer's bicep. "My place or yours?"

He looks up to think for a couple seconds before responding, "Yours."

You shoot him a smile and unlock your door, softly ushering him inside.


By the time the two of you were laying beside each other in your bed, Spencer was almost ready to doze off. You turned on your side to look at him, your head resting on your bent arm. His eyes were closed and you reached over to twirl some of his hair around your finger. He hummed contently before opening his eyes and turning on his side to face you. You looked into each other's eyes, just absorbing the events of the past few hours. He reaches out to your waist before tugging your body against his. You snuggle into his chest smiling, you can feel him rest his head on top of yours.

"Hey (Y/n)?"


"Umm, what do you think of me being your umm, b-boyfriend?" Spencer asked timidly.

You pull back from his embrace enough to look up at his flustered, pink face. Your smile widens, "Well, I quite like the sound of that Dr. Reid."

His blush deepens- if that's even possible- and he replies, "Good, me too."

The two of you share a long, gentle, and sweet kiss before drifting off to sleep tangled up in each other's arms.


You wake up the next morning to the sounds of silverware clanking against your ceramic plates, the smell of bacon floating into the room through the slit at the bottom of the bedroom door. You smile before stretching, preparing to get up and see what Spencer's up to. You slip out of your room quietly and the sight before you is absolutely perfect. Spencer was swaying his hips as he hummed a song that sounded familiar (it was "Boyfriend by BTR), cooking bacon in the pan in front of him and pancakes in the one beside it. You sneakily approached him, once you were behind the island you yelled.


"AHH!" Spencer's high pitched scream caused you to fall into a giggle fit. He put the tongs down on the towel on the counter before making his way to you with a mischievous look adorning his face. You tried to get away but you were too slow, he quickly threw you over his shoulder before making his way to your couch. He threw you down and began tickling your sides, both of your laughter filling the apartment.

"NO! STOP! PLEASE! I'M GONNA PEE!" You thrashed and wiggled below him as he continued his tirade, only giving up when a burning smell came from your kitchen. He quickly ran over to flip the pancake over, the top pitch black.

"Noo," he whined. "I was doing so good! Look at these," he held up a plate of perfectly golden brown pancakes, not a flaw in sight. "What are we gonna do with this one?" he pouted and you walked over to hug him.

"I have an idea," you smiled devilishly as you made your way to your balcony. You leaned over the decorative concrete railing looking for the usual crowd of birds on the ground. Spencer walked over to you, burnt pancake in hand. He gave it to you and you ripped a piece off, dropping it. It caused the birds to scatter slightly before they came back and began fighting over the treat. You threw more pieces down and fed them, they were there for food anyways.

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