chapter 4

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TW: Mentions of scars, panic attacks, and the sexual assault of a minor

You woke up bright and early to celebrate your first day at the BAU; but the main thing you enjoyed was that you'd be able to see Spencer, and a lot more often at that. While you were sure days on a job like this could be unpredictable- this would be the first time you'd get to experience it first-hand- you just didn't know it yet.

As you stretched your muscles before getting out of bed, you couldn't help but feel a little giddy. Sure, you got to see Spencer yesterday, but you didn't get the chance to greet him. You desperately wanted to know what it'd be like to be hugged by him, especially after you've had years to imagine what it'd feel like. You snapped out of your little trance to use the restroom. While looking in the mirror, you examine the bags under your eyes. You started to feel a little self conscious before disregarding it as an afterthought.

You don't get paid to look pretty in a profession like this.

You turn on the tv, set the coffee machine on, and go back into your room to pick out your clothes for your first day before hopping in the shower. You do your usual routine, body checking as you dry off and apply lotion. It's not that you do it on purpose, it's just a bad habit that you picked up on in the years following the incident. There were only 6 different scars but they were deep and every time you looked at them you remember how traumatized you were and how long it took for you to recover. Then, you take a second to admire your tattoos before you tell yourself "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." As you exit the bathroom wrapped in your pink silk robe, you go into the kitchen to pour your cup of coffee. You bring it with you into the bedroom to quickly pack some clothes into the old, black leather duffel bag your grandpa gave you; for any traveling you might have to do. You figured it'd be helpful to leave it in the drawer of your desk so it's always there and convenient. You get dressed in some black slacks, a white turtle neck and a black blazer over that. You tuck your chains into your shirt except for the longest one and continue to sip on your coffee while leaning on the island in the kitchen. You stare mindlessly at your television before getting ready to leave for work. You had to be there at 8, just in case anything happened to come up, at least you were on call. You grab your go-bag and a box of random knickknacks to spice your desk up with. As soon as you're out the door, you run downstairs in your black heels, get into your Nissan and make your way towards the office.


Once you arrive, you check out your new desk, it's kind of in the middle of the room. You place your box onto the desk and drop your bag onto the floor. When you sit down and look up you can see Spencer reading a worn out, pocket sized book. You decide not to disturb his reading and simply study him. Even though you know you have to do it quickly to avoid being caught staring.

That must be one of his favorites based the on the way the pages seemed a little distressed and the spine of the book seemed like it went to hell and back.

You giggle to yourself as you take attendance; Morgan had yet to show, Prentiss was at her desk writing something down, and Jareau was in her office. Once you're finished, you open the drawer at the bottom right of your desk and place your go-bag inside. It's a little tight but you manage to stuff it in there. After you close the drawer you bring the small box onto your lap and open it. You took out a silver, cylindrical container that you place in the top right corner and fill with your favorite black pens. Then, you take out a small Lake Tahoe snow globe that you place at the base of the lamp that's in the top left corner. You look at the eclectic collection of knickknacks in the box, take out your "Central Perk" mug, close the box, and decide to put it in the top drawer on the right; you're too lazy to place everything right now. You get up and make your way to the kitchenette to fix yourself a cup of coffee. Just as you're pouring the 2% milk into your mug a voice behind you makes you jump.

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