chapter 22

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You went about your morning routine, putting on sweatpants and an old crew-neck sweater from high school. You got the mail, drank your coffee, and read a book. You had been indulging a lot of horror films in spirit of Halloween and now that it was over, you needed more sappy fiction in your life. Your time off work was coming to an end and since Spencer was unable to spend it with you due to the case, you figured it wouldn't hurt to be completely immersed in a story. You rubbed your fingers on the back of the hard-covered book as you held it open. Page by page went by and you were biting the thumbnail of your left hand as the book drew near it's climax.

Once you finished the book, you closed it with a deep sigh and placed it on the coffee table in front of you. You decided to cuddle into the plush couch and take a nap. What would a little sleep hurt? Besides, it's not like you didn't need it; especially since Spencer kept you up most of the night- figuratively at least since he was all you could dream about. You checked the time, it was around 3 pm. You didn't know where the case was so you weren't sure what the time difference was; if there even was one. Spencer had yet to call you in the past couple days and you closed your eyes. He was probably busy creating the geographical profile of the unsub. You smiled to yourself, thinking about the face he makes when he's concentrated.

You assumed that they hadn't gotten far, you knew how local police had a way of overlooking certain things. Hopefully, everything would go smoothly and Spencer could be in your arms again. You snatched the blanket that was hanging over the back of the couch and draped it across yourself. You allowed your eyes to flutter close while thoughts of Spencer swam about your brain.

You stood under the boiling stream coming from your shower head. You leaned back to wash the shampoo out of your hair as Spencer wrapped his arms around your waist. He settled his head in the crook of your neck and you could feel his smile against your skin. You smiled at his touch. Once the water had exited down the drain, you returned his embrace. You drew random squiggles on his back with the tip of your fingernail. He started kissing and nipping at the skin of your neck and collar bone. You leaned your head to the side, giving him more access to you.

"You're mine, you know that?" Spencer mumbled against your neck. You smirked at the sentiment.

"I'm all yours, baby." He separated himself and stood straight to look down at you. He cupped your face with his hands.

"How did I get so lucky?"

"It's your mismatch socks I'm sure of it," you threw your head back with an obnoxiously loud laugh. "But I think I'm the lucky one. I'm pretty sure I wished for you on a shooting star."

He blushed at your statement and leaned down to rest his forehead on yours. Your noses rubbed against each other in a loving way. His breath fanned your face. "Kiss me," he said looking into your eyes before you complied.

Once you broke apart from the kiss, you took his hand and dragged him along behind you to your bedroom. You left a trail of wet footprints behind until you reached your bedroom door. Once you opened it and walked through the threshold, you were at the view, fully clothed and dry. Music was playing all around you and you noticed there were little string lights adorning the trees behind you.

"Dance with me," Spencer held his hand out in your direction and you took it without a second thought.

"Of course, my love." The two of you danced with perfect harmony. The chemistry between you two was indescribably beautiful. In this moment, the city below you fell away and it was only you and Spencer under the moonlight, dancing to a song you could listen to forever. He pulled you closer and you rested your head on his chest and contently sighed.

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