chapter 20

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"(Y/n)," you hear Spencer whisper as his fingers wander aimlessly against your bicep.

You groan as a response, not wanting to wake up. You turn over due to the small amount of sunlight that's caressing your face.

"It's Halloween, sweet girl" Spencer says, moving your hair over so he can softly kiss your neck. "It's time to wake up or you'll sleep the day away."

The nickname makes your heart flutter and his kisses send goosebumps along your arms. You hear Spencer chuckle. "I'm still sleepy," you pout.

"Oh, then I guess you're just gonna have to miss out on the pancakes I made then."

You feel the bed move below you as Spencer gets up. You sit up and rub your eyes before yawning. "No," you whine and reach your arms out to him. He moves towards you and embraces you for a few seconds. Then, before your body can really appreciate it, he lifts you up and carries you out of bed. You squeal in surprise and he laughs loudly. He puts you down once you enter his kitchen. You hop up to sit on his island while you watch him spread butter on the pancakes.

You admire him as he does so, studying his muscles that subtly show through his shirt. He turns around and places the plate next to you, situating himself between your legs. You throw your arms around his neck and bring him down to kiss you. He smiles into the kiss, his hands resting beside your thighs; the sides of his thumbs touching them slightly. He moves his arms to wrap around your waist pulling you closer to the edge of the island and you instinctively wrap them around his waist.

You pull away and giggle, "I don't want the food to get cold, Doctor."

He rolls his eyes and steps back so you can stand next to him at the island while you both eat. He had brought out your favorite boysenberry syrup from his refrigerator and you couldn't help but squeeze him in a hug. It hurt to press him against your still healing injuries, but you bit your lip and did it anyway.

Midway through the meal Spencer spoke up softly, "So I was thinking," he took a sip of coffee, "I'd like to take you out tonight. There's this new horror movie at the theater that came out yesterday that I've been wanting to see. Would you wanna come with me?"

"Like on a date?" you asked as your cheeks grew warm.

"Y-yeah," he raised a hand to rub the back of his neck, "If you want to. I know horror moves aren't really your thing."

"Of course I wanna go! Besides, you'll be there to protect me from whatever the scary part of the movie is supposed to be." You laughed, "If it has demons in it though, we're gonna have to have another sleepover. I don't fuck with that shit."

He laughed at your response and gave you a bright smile. When you finished eating you stayed to converse with Spencer as he washed the dishes. You followed him around as he got ready, sometimes getting in the way of his routine to give him a few gentle kisses. When he was ready to go to work he gave you a huge hug and a kiss on your forehead. He put the mask he was going to wear at work in his bag as the two of you exited his apartment. You watched him walk down the hall to the stairway from the doorway of your place. He turned around to wave goodbye before you shut the door and locked it. You grabbed the blanket on the floor behind your couch, a smile plastered on your face as you recalled the memories from last night.


The morning was so incomprehensibly magical. Never would you have thought you'd confess your feelings to Spencer. You spent your day mostly lounging around your apartment watching Netflix. When you were making lunch, you had a mini dance / karaoke party by yourself. Once you sat down to eat your mac and cheese, your phone began vibrating against the coffee table. You paused the show you were watching and turned your phone over to see Spencer's contact photo fill the screen. You smiled to yourself before answering.

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