chapter 24

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10 months passed.

10 months of absolute, pure love and bliss. After talking about it for a while, Spencer had fully moved in with you. He spent most of his time in your apartment anyways. You got rid of most of the cabinets in your work area and replaced them with beautiful and sturdy brown bookshelves to house Spencer's mini library. You hung up Spencer's various pieces of art on the walls around your shared apartment; the walls were pretty bare before he got there. After Garcia "won" the bet in the hospital and officially won the night after, the secret was out to the team. Surprisingly, everyone was super supportive of your guys' relationship- even Hotch. He said it was fine since it had gone on for so long and didn't affect your work. Tonight was another team dinner at Rossi and Krystall's. Rossi said to dress a little nicer than usual to match the meal he'd be making. You found it odd at first but didn't argue.

Right now, you were finishing the last touches on your makeup so that you could slide on your emerald dress.

"Baby? Where's my comb?" Spencer asked from the bathroom.

Comb?  He never combs his hair... 

"Umm, in the third drawer I think?" you responded uncertainly.

"Got it! Thank you!"

You gently stepped into your dress, sliding on the thin straps. You stepped into your tall black heels before making your way to Spencer. You took in his outfit- black slacks, black button down with his chains outside the collar. Your jaw slightly dropped and Spencer turned to you, he used his pointer and middle fingers to close your mouth as he smiled down on you.

"WOW. I mean, wow. You look," you stop as you see him smirking at you. "You know what? I'm not gonna inflate your ego. Fucking airhead," you laugh. "Can you please zip me up though?" You turn so your back faces him, you gently guide your curled hair to the side.

"Of course," he says and you can hear his smile. He pinches the end of the zipper- which is right above your butt- and slowly guides the zipper upwards. When he gets to the top you drop your hair.

"Thank you," you turn to face him and plant your hands on his shoulders. "Actually, I'm glad to know you actually listen to me. You know I think you're irresistible when you wear all black."

"I still don't get it, but I'll do anything to make you happy. Plus, I like when you think I'm irresistible. It means we'll have a long night." He winks at you and you roll your eyes at him. You bump his hip so he makes room in front of the mirror for you.

As you're adjusting your hair to frame your face, Spencer smacks your ass and the sound reverberates in the bathroom.

You yelp in surprise and turn to slap his bicep. "Hey!" The two of you smile and chuckle together before heading out and over to Rossi's.


You were looking out the window, but you had to look at Spencer- his finger tapping made you nervous because that's what he did when he was nervous. You placed your hand on this thigh and he stiffened. 

"Relax, baby. You look great!" You offered him a smile and his face softened at the sight of it. 

"Thank you, and I know... That's not what I'm nervous about." 

You raised your brows at him but he focused on the road ahead. "What're you nervous for, my love? It's just dinner." 

He stops at a red light and looks over at you in an 'are you serious?' kind of way. "You make me nervous," he laughs. 

"Oh, shut up," you blush- that was one of the ways he'd compliment you over the course of your relationship. 


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