chapter 3

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"Dr. Reid." 

"Hey, it's (Y/n). I didn't know if I should wait a week or something to call but I figured 3 days was long enough," you laugh softly. "You're very intriguing, Dr. Spencer Reid." 

Spencer blushes at your comment, "W-well, you're very intriguing too." 

"So, what're you up to so late? It's already 11."  You couldn't help the deep, flirty tone that slipped into your voice.

"Just reading, I don't think I'm ready to go to sleep yet." Spencer chuckles his nervousness away, allowing himself to be consumed by your entrancing voice. 

"What're you reading ?" 


Just a few days after accepting Sheriff Beckman's offer, you put in your two weeks notice at the diner. The owner was sad to let you go; you were always the best at getting guests to order desert to take home. Even Sasha was sad to see you leave. However, the difference was that you gave her the full run down of what had happened when you went undercover. You even told her about your new friend Spencer. Her exact response was, "Wait, so you're telling me the fine ass guy you met at Target was an FBI agent who's also a DOCTOR?!" You reassure her and describe him again; from his style to his voice; before continuing to talk about when you saw the gun the guy had that night. 

After listening to how passionate you sounded about pursuing a new career, she couldn't help but offer her wholehearted support. She was especially rooting for you to make a move on Spencer but you always shot her down with remarks about how you barely knew each other; at least you could admit you had some type of chemistry with him. You both had a similar sense of humor and it was easy to talk to him, about anything. Maybe that's just because he hasn't asked about your past yet, but that was beside the point; it's not like you asked about his either.


After working with the undercover operations division of the local police department for a few years, you decided you were ready for a little bit more of a challenge. You were already 21 and you wanted to join the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit by the time you were 25. The idea wasn't completely your own though. A few weeks after the last time you saw SSA Hotchner, he gave you a call. He said that if your time with the undercover ops division gave you sufficient experience in profiling those who ran the groups you infiltrated, maybe he could pull some strings to get you on his team. Of course his recommendation is what fueled your actions in the events leading up to seeing him again. You consulted your boss, Sheriff Beckman on what steps you should take in your transition into joining the Bureau.

Once the long and strenuous conversations and paperwork were finished, you were cleared to go into the FBI Training Academy. Luckily, the studying you did of the facilities and techniques paid off because you had passed with flying colors. You even passed your marksmanship qualification- which was the one thing you were most afraid of. You continued gliding up the ranks of the Bureau in Andi Swann's Unit. After many phone calls to Hotch and more paperwork was filled out, you were finally able to join his team. Even better, you met your goal since you were 25.


Hotch had asked you to come in on Wednesday morning - the day before you were meant to start - just so that he could evaluate the skills you've picked up on during your time away from him and his team. What you never mentioned was that periodically Spencer would call if he needed a fresh perspective on a case and you would offer any assistance that you could; it was as if you were already creative and knowledgeable enough to be a profiler. You think to yourself how phone calls seemed to have been your love language with Reid because since you were both busy with work all the time, it was pretty much impossible to allot any time to actually see each other. 

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