chapter 12

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The food had been delivered about an hour ago and (Y/n) still hadn't returned to his apartment yet. Once it was delivered, he could hear (Y/n) singing in her shower through the thin walls. She single-handedly had the best voice he'd ever heard, but that wasn't the point. He had instantly put the ice cream in the freezer, and took out plates and forks. He closed his eyes thinking about how long her showers usually were on average. The only reason he knows is because he loves a free concert- again, thin walls. He concludes, the shortest took 15 minutes and her longest took 45. The food was getting cold and Spencer started to worry. He had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach; something was off, something was wrong. He decided he couldn't wait any longer. He went to his door, taking a deep breath. He desperately hoped he'd see nothing. He looked through his peephole and saw her door was slightly opened. His heart dropped. He got his revolver and opened his door. He took one step and felt (Y/n)'s keys underneath his slipper, her little dinosaur keychain peaking out. He continued on, pushing her door further open. He was debating whether or not he should call out to her. He was hoping she was just in her room, she forgot something. He made his way around her dark apartment. Once he declared no one was there he stood frozen in fear, tears slowly falling down his cheeks. He wanted to throw up. He ran back into his apartment to get his cell from his room, seeing (Y/n)'s was still on his bedside table.


"Hotch, I-I think (Y/n)'s missing," Spencer utters out, his voice slightly cracking.

"What do you mean missing, Reid?" Hotch's voice is stern, concerned.

"S-She's gone. I don't know what happened. W-We were gonna eat d-diner together and then..." Spencer trailed off, he was so upset with himself. He should've let her shower at his place, he could've given her clothes to wear. How could he let this happen to her? The day after the anniversary of her first abduction. He promised he'd be there for her. Spencer began to spiral.

"Reid, are you still there?" Hotch asks.

"Y-yes I'm still here. How could I let this happen to her? She was just with me!" Reid choked out a sob, tears free falling down his rosy cheeks, forehead scrunched in frustration.

"Reid, it's not your fault. Come to Headquarters as quick as you can, I'll inform the team to come in as well." And with that, the line went dead.


Spencer was the last to arrive to Headquarters, he had to take the train and all waiting on the platform did was increase the amount of self-loathing Spencer had. He blamed himself for not being there for (Y/n). If he had just kept her in his apartment, nothing would've happened to her. Everyone was in the round-table room, whispering amongst themselves, waiting for Reid to explain what happened. He looked to Hotch with pleading eyes.

"Where's 88?" Morgan asks looking around.

"That's actually what we're here about," Hotch pauses looking at Spencer, "Reid seems to think she's gone missing."

"I don't think she's missing. I know she is." Spencer said coldly, under his breath.

"Tell us what happened Pretty Boy," Morgan says.

"Well, as you know, we both missed work today. Umm, last night (Y/n) knocked on my door. She had been crying and she just- well I hugged her and umm," Spencer didn't know whether or not he should share that he had just shared a bed with her that night. "Well, she slept over, she didn't want to be alone so I let her. Then this morning when I woke up, I saw she was still asleep, so I went to the kitchen to make coffee. Hotch had called me and told me to take care of her today. He said that she'd probably want the day off. Then I heard her, talking? But she sounded in distress, so I immediately went to check on her and she was moving around like crazy. I woke her up and she immediately started sobbing. I didn't know what to do. I just- held her. I waited for her to calm down. Umm, Hotch had told me yesterday the same thing, to look out for her. Umm, when she finished crying she told me what happened to her when she was still in high school-"

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