chapter 6

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"Did you play sports growing up?" You asked Spencer. 

You tapped the speaker button on your phone and tossed it onto your bed while you were getting new clothes for your go-bag. Your next undercover case would ensue the next day. Your boss, SSA Swann, was expecting you to go undercover as a buyer in a less-than well known trafficking ring that had unknowingly kidnapped one of your team members. It was your job to apprehend the leader of the group at the pricing meeting. 

"Definitely not. Does chess count? My brain was exercising intellectually." 

You laughed, "Hmm, normally I'd say no but for you? I'll let it slide." 

"Great, now I can tell Morgan that someone else thinks it's a sport." 

"I mean on top of your brain working, you're also moving all those muscles just to move one chess piece. If you count the muscles in your face that move when you make facial expressions, you're practically a muscle machine." You giggled, you wanted to make him feel better. He had mentioned that sometimes he feels insecure about being less fit than his teammates. Besides, it's not like it wasn't true. He was fit, just not in the traditional sense. 

He laughed loudly, "I will pay you $200 to tell Morgan you think I'm a muscle machine." 

"Spencer, I'd do it for free."


The next morning you wake up with a sore neck and look to your left. You see Spencer sleeping and realize you had fallen asleep on his shoulder. You study him for a few minutes, watching his chest rise and fall with each breath. You allow your eyes to scan his face, taking note of every detail with a content smile. Then, you scoot over quietly to avoid waking him up and slowly lift up his head to add a pillow for support. After going to the restroom and brushing your teeth, you go to the kitchen to start making coffee. You look at the clock, see it's 6:30 am, and go into your bedroom to pick out an outfit for the day. You decide on a tan cardigan, brown skirt and brown belt with an intricate gold buckle. You get dressed and look in the mirror. That's when you realize yesterday was the first day since the incident where you didn't fixate on your scars. You smile and begin brushing your hair. You walk back into the kitchen to see the coffee's ready and that Spencer's still asleep. You decide to fix cups of coffee up for the both of you and set them down on the coffee table.

"Spencerrrr," you say his name softly as you gently move his shoulder. You do that twice and he slowly opens his eyes and rubs them with his hands. "Good morning sleepy head," you tease.

"Huh? Oh... Good morning, I'm sorry I stayed the night without asking. I must've fallen asleep," he apologizes with a deep, sleepy voice.

Oh wow wow wow, holy shit. Who knew Dr. Genius had a hot morning voice?

You blushed. "It's no big deal, friends have sleepovers all the time, right?" You say to make him feel less embarrassed. You hand him his coffee and he takes a sip. He smiles at you, looking into your eyes. 

"Wow this is perfect. Thank you so much," he says taking a bigger sip.

"Well, it's 7 right now, I'll wait for you to get ready and you can catch a ride to work with me" you say with a smile.

"Are you sure? I wouldn't want to impose..." he trails off.

"It's really not a problem. Besides I like that you were the first thing I saw this morning," you say bashfully before taking a big gulp of coffee.

"W-well alright then. If that's our new routine, I'll give you gas money for carpooling." he says finishing his coffee and getting up to leave.

You open the door for him and tell him to be ready by 7:45. You were pretty sure today would be paperwork day at the office but that was just a guess, it was only your second day there. You spend the rest of your morning watching the news and checking your texts. You text Sasha about last night since she witnessed the first half of it. She immediately calls you and you tell her about how he let you keep his jacket and how he spent the night. She excitedly 'eeeeeks' for you and you can't help but smile. You mindlessly pick at your fingers while she catches you up with what's been going on between her and Justin. Then, you hear a knock on your door. You check the time and it's 7:45 on the dot. You say your goodbyes to Sasha as you're walking towards the door. You hang up and open it to see Spencer dressed up in slacks, a white button up, and a brown jacket.

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