chapter 7

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You roll over in your bed and feel that the other side is being weighed down. The early morning golden glow peaks into your room from the window. You slowly blink your eyes open and see the back of someone's head and it seems really familiar. Spencer turns over in his sleep and reaches over to pull you closer to him. He snuggles into you before placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. For a moment you allow yourself to enjoy it, but then you begin to quietly panic. You slowly slip out of his arms to sit up and rub your eyes in shock.

Why is Spencer in my bed oh my god what the hell happened last night?

You're unable to recall the events leading up to now and feel him sit up next to you. He looks into your eyes and smiles.

"Good morning Sweetheart," he says reaching his hand over to your face to softly caress it, dragging his thumb over your lips. "Do you want me to make pancakes?"

His last word echoes as you feel your body jolt awake. You wake up and realize you've fallen off the bed. You stand up but a little too quickly and it makes you feel dizzy. You take a seat on the edge of your bed and lay back placing an arm over your eyes and let out a disappointed sigh.

It was just a dream.


Little did you know, Spencer had a similar experience. In his dream, the two of you had just come back from a date. You both were a little tipsy and you had held hands all the way home from the jazz club down the street. You both were a giggling mess, you were admiring the streetlights and he was admiring you. Once he entered his apartment, you closed the door and locked it behind you. You lean against it and beckon him with your index finger, smirk on your face. As he walks up to you, you clutch onto his tie and pull his face towards yours. He closes his eyes, but you don't kiss him. Instead, you hover your lips over his ear; your warm breath sending chills down his spine before whispering, "wake up." 

And wake up he did.


Once you were ready for work, you looked at the clock. You were expecting Spencer to knock on your door any minute. When he does you practically dance over to the door, heels clacking against your wooden floors. You open your door, thermos of coffee in hand and flash Spencer a pearly white smile.

"Good morning, C" he says not meeting your eyes. You furrow your brows but continue like you didn't notice.

"Morning Spence, I got this ready for you" you reply shoving the thermos in his direction. He takes it from you and says thanks while you gather everything you need and you both head to the office. Today was the day the plan would have to be in motion. You both had to make sure you didn't act any differently so they wouldn't catch onto your plan. However, it was like Spencer had forgotten that part of the plan. He wasn't deviating too far from normal but, he just didn't look at you as often as yesterday. You notice Prentiss was looking in her compact and touching at her lips, you look to see some of her lipstick came off on her mug. She rummages through her drawer and looks puzzled.

"Have any of you guys seen my lipstick?" she asks getting ready to put her hair up. She stops as she realizes she's also missing something else," or my hair tie?" You all start to look around when Morgan breaks the silence after picking the items up from under his desk.

"Here you go, you must've dropped them when you came in" Morgan says.

"That's so weird. Thank you, though." She responds and moves on quickly. JJ and you make eye contact and share a look because of how suspicious that was. She raises her eyebrows before looking into Emily's eyes. 

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