chapter 19

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You opened your door to see Spencer in his pajamas, a hand raised to rub the back of his neck. You raised your eyebrows.


"H-hey C. Look, I just wanted to-"

"It's okay. Don't worry about it. I'm over it," you say interrupting him.

He looks at the blanket that's so big you're struggling to hold it in your arms without it unfolding. He gives you a confused look. "Where are you going?"

"The view," you think for a moment. "Y-you wanna come?"

"Oh, uh- sure... Um lemme put some shoes on really quick."

You and Spencer quietly walk down the stairs to the parking garage at 1 in the morning. You smile to yourself once you're on the road. The sky is clear and the weather is perfect to go out at night. You pull into the dirt patch and park. You and Spencer smile at each other before getting out of the car. You grab the blanket from the back seat and walk over to the spot you usually sit at. The two of you spread out the blanket in silence. When it's ready, you take your shoes off and lay down on the blanket looking up at the sky. Spencer copies your actions but instead looks at you.

"Are you okay?" he asks, genuine concern in his eyes that you see when you look at him.

"I don't know," you sigh.

"That's okay," he trails off. "Have you had any nightmares? Since, well, you know."

"No, surprisingly. I just don't think that it's hit me yet I guess. Maybe my brain is trying to protect me by blocking it out. As if it never even happened," you respond looking up as you see a singular cloud, slowly passing by.

Spencer reaches his hand out to hold yours, his thumb moving back and forth in a comforting motion. "If it ever gets bad you know I'll always be there for you, right?"

You scoot closer to him on the blanket, resting your head on his shoulder. He pulls your entwined hands onto his stomach. "I know, and I'll always be here for you too SP."


The two of you lay there for a while. Not much else needs to be said. It feels like you two are the only ones in the whole world. You smile to yourself as you feel the warmth radiate from his hand into your body. You want to be closer to him, you just want to be held for a little bit. You release his hand and lift his arm up so you can lay your head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat. Once you do, he immediately wraps his arm around you, his fingers dancing along your side. You can hear his heartbeat begin to speed up. Now's a better time than any to tell him the truth.

"Hey, Spence?"

"Yeah, C?"

You look up at him and he moves a little to look down at you, your baby hairs all over the place.

"I love you."

His eyes widen and your heart drops for a second before he speaks.

"I love you, too."

You sit up slightly, your head above his before you inch closer and closer. You look into his eyes, to silently ask for permission. He smiles and you close the gap, your lips on his. The kiss is slow and sweet. The most gentle you've had and it lets you savor the moment as if you were seconds away from waking up. And maybe you were, but you wanted to revel in this moment forever, just you and Spencer. He brings a hand up to cup your cheek while his other arm wraps around your waist pulling you closer to him. You begin to feel like you can't breathe, so you pull away, your forehead resting on his. Your eyes are closed and you smile. You can feel his breath fan your face, he must've needed a break too.

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