chapter 8

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The next morning you couldn't help but wake up with a smile. You reach over to grab your phone and open the messages app.

Today 6:03 am

C :)


do you think you could be ready by 7 ??

Spence :p

Yes, I can do that. Is there anything else I need to know?

C :) 


but you might wanna dress a little warm i think it's chilly out

Spence :p

 Alright, I'll see you at 7.

"Of course he texts with perfect grammar," you whisper and giggle to yourself.


After getting ready and deciding on wearing brown dress pants and a green sweater that you tucked in before putting on a brown belt with a gold buckle on it. You slip on your gold watch with brown strap that your dad gave you when you went off to college and a ring your mom gave you for your birthday the year before. You take one last look in the mirror before slipping on your suede brown boots and walking into your kitchen. As you walk over to your fridge, you take out some fruits and yogurt; then you fill 2 thermoses with coffee. You slide over to your pantry to pull out some granola and a large paper bag before packing everything away into a lavender tote bag. You place it on your couch and take a quick look at the clock.

6:45, good I still have plenty of time.

You walk over to the closet by your bathroom that you use for towels and extra blankets. You pull out a big green one along with two little pillows. You stuff the blanket into the bag and put the pillows next to it. You spend the rest of your time on your recliner, beginning to read a book you bought last night, your glasses resting on the bridge of your nose. When you hear a knock on your door you can't help but rush over to answer in excitement.

"Good morning Dr. Reid" you say teasingly, laughing at how his bed head looked so perfectly messy.

"Morning Dr. (Y/l/n)" he says imitating your tone and rubbing his eyes.

"I take it you're not a morning person?"

"And I take it you are?"

"Oh absolutely not, I thrive in the ungodly hours of the night," you laugh almost embarrassed at how dumb you sound. "I'm just excited."

"Excited for what?"

"You'll see, but first," you pause handing him the tote bag, gathering the rest of your things before locking your door. "You need to help me carry that to my car."

Spencer laughs and shakes his head as he follows you to your usual parking spot. He puts the tote bag into the back seat and you take off to your mystery destination. Reid adjusts the seat back so he can go back to sleep. You look over and smile before continuing on your way. Once you pull up to the dirt patch of a 'parking lot' you lean over to blow air into Reid's ear.

"What the-" he jolts up and bumps his head on yours.

"Ow! You have a hard ass head, Spence." Your hand shoots up to rub your head.

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