chapter 9

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TW: Abuse, alcoholism, attempted suicide 

Once you returned to the comfort of the Bureau's office building, your mind couldn't help but wander towards what had led the bus driver to completely convince himself that he was in love with her. Was it something she said? Was it the way she talked about her late husband? What if she wouldn't have said anything? Would the outcome be the same? You find yourself falling into a rabbit-hole of all the things you've said and done in your past. Would someone do that to you? Would they wholeheartedly convince themselves that you're in love with them and then eventually they kidnap you? Would they torture you because you're not acting the way that they've decided you should? Maybe, you could call it an occupational hazard. Maybe, it's happening to one of your teammates. Maybe, it's already happened to them. What are you supposed to do?

Oh my gosh, what if they put me in a glass box to observe me like in "YOU" oh my gosh?! What the hell would I do?

"Are you okay?"

"Huh? What?" you return to the present with Spencer's question. You two were the only ones left in the bullpen. "Where did everyone go?" you look around at the dimly lit office.

"They went home. Hotch said we could just do the report tomorrow but I know you like writing at night better so I figured you'd want to stay. Everyone said goodbye but you were super zoned out."

"Oh shit. AH! I'm sorry. My bad I didn't even realize I-"

"What were you thinking about?" Spencer asked interrupting you.

"Just this show I watched on Netflix a couple weeks ago," you respond opening the case file preparing to write your report.

"What about it?" Spencer looks over at you slightly chewing on the cap on the back of his pen.

"Well it's about this guy who stalks the women he finds attractive and subtly integrates himself into their lives and then he kidnaps them and puts them in this glass cage to study and 'take care' of them. It's really freaky. I guess I was just wondering if that'd happen to me..." you trail off once you spot how his eyebrows are raised; you raise yours back and ask, "W-What?"

"Nothing," he leans back down to continue writing, "although in this job things like that can be unpredictable. Then again, it's just a show."

"I knew it," you say with a frown. "I hope nothing like that happens to me. If it does, I'd prefer it happen later rather than sooner."

"Shouldn't it be the other way around?"

"Are you saying that should happen to me sooner?" you ask an octave higher than usual making eye contact with him and raising a brow.

"W-What? Uh- No! I-I'm just saying I- ugh never mind," he shakes his head and continues writing.


After Spencer finishes his report he closes the folder and moves it to the center of his desk. He leans over to grab a book from his drawer and begins to read, waiting for you to finish yours. About fifteen minutes later, you finish your report and look over to see he's finished his book. You both get up, gather your things and turn off your desk lamps. He walks over to you in the dark but trips over the corner of your desk, a loud thud echoing around the bullpen.

"Ow," you say on the floor on your back, Spencer in a push-up position above you.

"O-oh my god I'm so sorry," he says his breath on your face. You make eye contact for a few seconds before speaking.

"I-it's okay, but umm, can you help me up now?" He scrambles to his feet before reaching out a hand to pull you up. You accept it but he does it a little too forcefully and you bump into him. Just as you think you're about to fall a second time he wraps his arms around your waist and keeps both your balances. 

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