His World

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I was finalizing the report on my computer not minding the surroundings and forgetting the time until SinB, my friend and the Assistant Head Officer of the Accounting Department  tapped my shoulder to get my attention.

"Yerin unnie, let's go home now. I badly want to eat in a Japanese restaurant now. Can you accompany me?" She whined as she massages her neck.

"I am sorry SinB but I had a scheduled meeting with my friend tonight. Can we go tomorrow? My treat." I gave her my prettiest smile. She pouted even more. She is really a charismatic girl but she surely has aegyo when she needed to.

"Hmp! Okay. But you have to drop me off my apartment first. I don't have a ride and I don't like taking a bus when I am hungry and left alone by my closest friend." I chuckled at her childish whining.

"Arraseo. Wait I will just turn this off." I started finishing everything while SinB waits for me in the lobby probably playing games in her mobile phone. After a while, I gather my things and went out to the lobby to fetch SinB.

"Let's go SinB-ah." I linked my arms with hers and we went inside the elevator to the parking lot. We ride in my car and talk about our day in the office.

"By the way Unnie, I saw your boss with another girl. She is beautiful unnie." SinB said.

"What's new with that SinB? It's always been like that. He treats all those women as a plaything. I mean, well the girls are at fault too because they agree to be used by him." I replied.

"Well he is hot and handsome and of course a millionaire so I guess maybe the girls think its all worth it."

"You're right. But I just hope he tires himself with being a womanizer so that he can soon find a purpose in his life." I said as we rounded another corner to SinB's apartment.

"Soon is too far for Mr. Jeon's attitude now unnie. But unnie, aside from his being a womanizer, what do you know about him?" I looked at SinB with a "what the fuck" expression.

"Aside from being rich, handsome, womanizer I don't know anymore. He is just cold. Yup, he is cold and mysterious. I don't know why though. All I know is he pays me well so I am not in any way interested in whatever he is dealing with." I stopped the car in front her apartment and Sinb went out of the car.

"Thank you unnie. Don't ditch me tomorrow ok? And dinner is on you." She said before going inside. I just shook my head before making a call to my friend, Park Sooyoung or Joy. The phone rings several times before she answered.

"Annyeong Yennie. What time are we meeting up?"

"At 7pm. I still have to freshen up and drive for atleast half an hour. Will that be okay?"

"Sure. Let's dine somewhere, a sushi resto is okay for you right?"

"No problem Joy-ah. You know me, I eat everything."

"Okay then. See you later. Bye love you." She hanged up the call and I continued driving. When I reached home I went to clean myself in the bathroom. Then I choose a casual outfit and I just put lipstick on. I don't like wearing make up unless it's necessary. When I am satisfied with my outfit I grabbed the key and got out of my apartment.

 When I am satisfied with my outfit I grabbed the key and got out of my apartment

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Then I drive to the restaurant's address texted by Joy. Sushi King.  I heard of this place. Rich people usually dine in this place. Well Joy is rich. She can afford. This dinner is on her so I have no objection. I turned on the radio and listens to the music while driving.


Our original plan is golf, but we decided against it because we just don't feel like travelling for almost two hours. So we opted to just hang out at Jin Hyung's restaurant. After I instructed my driver to drop Tzuyu to her house I waited for V hyung to fetch me since I don't have a ride. I waited only for few minutes then I saw V hyung's car skidded in front of me.

"Hey you! Get in!" He shouted and I opened his car's door and got in.

"So, I heard you got laid?" He said as soon as my butt touched the seat. I just glared at him. But he still continue teasing me.

"Gossip really travels fast. Oh yeah I got laid and it was an amazing sex." I just said to shut him off.

"Wow PMS-sing again JK? You've really got no chills man!" He said. I just shrugged him off.

"Anyway how's Jungwoon?" He ask seriously this time. I sighed.

"He is okay. He is in Mom's house. But he will be staying with me two weeks from now. You know, vacation." I said. Jungwoon is my four year old son. Yes I am a father. A single dad to be exact. Only very few knew about this. If you ask me about his mom, I just want to forget about her. She totally ruined my life. I hate everything about her.

"I am glad to hear that he is coming JK. I miss that fluff ball." V hyung fondly said. All of my closest friends love Jungwoon. Especially V and Jimin hyung.

We stayed silent after that until we arrived at the restaurant. The others are already there whem we arrived. We are in the VIP area. One that overlooks the whole restaurant. We can see everything but no one can see us since the glass is tinted. The perfect reason why it is a place where celebrities, politician and businessmen like to dine. It gives you a feeling of privacy.

"Wassup everyone!" Hobi hyung enthusiastically greeted us. We just laughed at his antics.

"Yah Hobi, you're so loud!" Suga hyung complained.

"Ehh, Suga hyung you are still the same old man." Hobi hyung retorted. Before they can continue bickering, Jimin and Jin oppa entered with the servers bringing a lot of foods and beer.

"Let's dig in everyone. Stuff our tummy first before filling our stomach with beer later." Jin hyung said as if he is our mother.

"Let's eat!" Jimin shouted. We just did that. We ate while talking and joking at each other. I was facing the entrance when I saw someone familiar entered. My attention was caught by a very white skinned lady who happened to be MY SECRETARY.

"Jung Yerin?" I said a little bit louder which made Jimin and Suga looked at the same direction I was looking.

"Another chick?" Suga hyung asked.

To be continued.

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