Knowing his Story

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I am silently peeking at the mirror and I saw Yerin running her fingers through my son's hair to make him sleep as he laid his head on her lap. The scene made me smile but deep sadness crept through my heart. This sadness was more meant for Jungwoon than myself. What happened today made realize more how desperate my son was to have a mother. It is at this moment that I am hating Lisa more. This scene, could have been us. We could have been the perfect family. By this time we could have at least two children. I sighed to ease away the heaviness in my heart as I peek again in the mirror. This time, my smile is genuine when I saw Yerin sleeping while holding Jungwoon protectively as if she was a mother protecting her own son. I shook my head at that imagination. I focus back on my driving. Minutes later we finally arrive in my house. I parked the car and opened the passenger's door. I tapped Yerin's shoulder hoping that my son won't wake up so that I could just let Yerin go home.

"Yerin-ssi. Wake up, we're here already." I whispered. She slowly opened her eyes.

"Hmmm, o-okay Sir." She immediately distances her head from me when she observes how close my face is to hers.

"Let me move him.carefully." She just nodded. I then proceeded to carry my son carefully. He sleepily open his eyes.

"Dad, where is Mommy?" I sighed. "Jungwoon-ah Yerin-sii is not-"

"Mr. Jeon, just let him be tonight. Just explain it to him when I am not here." She cut me off while she held my arm and whispered. I felt a little electricity with her touch.

"Okay. Hmmm Mommy is here Jungwoon-ah. Come on."

"Mommy will sleep with me tonight, right?" I look at Yerin who seem to be very reluctant. She looks at me then at Jungwoon before nodding.

"Y-yes baby, mommy will put Jungwoon in bed tonight." She said. I then carried him inside while Yerin just walk behind me.

"Oh Jungkook-ah!"

"Hyung?!!" I was shock to find him here.


I watched Jungkook as his eyes grow bigger in shock when he saw me. But if he is in shock I was more shock with what I am seeing. Him, carrying a sleepy Jungwoon and behind him is his secretary? What is this all about? She then bowed at me.

"Good evening Sir." She said as she bit her lower lip. I find it cute and sexy at the same time.

"Good evening too pretty lady." I smirked when I saw her blush.

"Eherm. Hyung what are you doing here?" He asked eyeing me suspiciously.

"Of cousrse I came to visit when Auntie told me you have our little Jungwoonie here" I turn to Jungwoon who in turn opened his arms to come to me. I have always been close to this boy.

"Samchon! I miss you." He said and hugged my neck.

"V samchon also misses Woonie." I kiss his cheeks as he giggled. I continue the act of tickling him when I heard her say something to JK.

"Hmmm Mr. Jeon, I guess I should go home now since you have a guest. Maybe your son can forget about what he said."

"Yes. Thank you for today Ms. Jung and sorry for disturbing you. I'll walk you to the gate." Jk said and turn to me before going out.

"Hyung, I will escort her to the gate. I'll be back." Then Ms. Jung smiled and bowed at me and started to walk out when I feel Jungwoon struggled out of my embrace. What he said next sent me to huge confusion.

"Mommy!! Where are you going!?"

"Mommy?" I asked looking at Jungkook who sighed, then Ms. Jung who is flustered and Jungwoon who is now out of my hold and run to Ms. Jung who is now picking him up.

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