Jealous Bunny

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"Daddy?" I woke up when little hands cup my face.

"Hmmm baby, what is it?" I said still with my eyes closed.

"Daddy wake up! We are going to eat breakfast with everyone." With what he said I opened my eyes and realized that I am still in Hobi hyung's house and everyone was still here.

"Oh! Good morning JK!" Sowon noona said.

"Ahhh goodmorning to noona. Where are the others?" I asked her while combing my messy hair.

"Everyone's on the dining table. We are waiting for you already.

"Oh! Give me a minute noona and I'll be there." I stood up and goes to the bathroom.

"Come on Woonie." I heard noona said to my son.

When I came to the dining area, everyone was already seated. Only one vacant chair is left and that is in between Jimin hyung and Suga hyung, a direct opposite to..Yerin and V hyung. I am trying to have an eye contact with my secretary but for an odd reason she avoided mead if  were a plague.

"Eherm, so the Prince has come can we eat now?" Jin hyung sarcastically said.

"Alright everyone let's dig in." Hobi hyung brightly said. Moment later, the dining table is all a war of chopsticks. All of us are famished. I put some food first to Woonie's plate before I scooped some for myself when I heard a voice amid all the chaos.

"Here take this Yerin-ah." V hyung gave her a wrap and was trying to put it in her mouth.

"Uhmm t-thank you Oppa." She was about to get it from him using a chopsticks when he feeds it to her directly. This action was noticed by everyone.

"Wow! That was smooth Kim Taehyung-ssi!" Jimin said teasingly.

"Shut up Chim!" V hyung said while Yerin is blushing deep red.

"Wae! Are you two now dating Yerin-ah?" Suga hyung asked to which Yerin choke on a piecw of meat. Taehyung hyung attentively stood up and gave her a glass of water and rubbed her back.

"Are you okay mommy?" Another fit of laughter has ensued after Woonie said that.

"Oh god! This is interesting." SinB said while smirking at Yerin who in turn glared at her.

"Shut up Hwang Eunbi." Yerin snapped. "I am okay Woonie-ah. Thank you oppa." She said and smiled at V hyung who returned to his seat.

"Mommy can you feed me?" I turned to my son when he suddenly said that and immediate went and squeezed himself between V hyung and Yerin. I smiled at my son when he did that. Finally, I can eat peacefully....or that's what I thought until..

"Yerin, ahhhh" I immediately darted my eyes to their direction when V hyung feed Yerin.

"N-no, it's okay oppa. I--" she was trying to refused.

"Oh come on unnie, just let my oppa feed you because you are busy feeding yiur baby." I like Yewon, really. But this time I felt a little amount of dislike for her.

"N-neh. Thank you Tae oppa." She shyly said and accept whatever he was feeding her.

"Mommy, do you love me?" Silence followed after.

"O-of course baby. I love you." She said sweetly.

"What about Daddy? Do you love my daddy too?" A very, very awkward silence followed. I found myself looking at her turned pale, then V hyung is also looking at her. Everyone was actually looking at her.

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