Hot Night in Tokyo

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Fuck! Where the fuck did you go Jung Yerin!!!!!!!

I immediately remove the phone from my ears because of how loud his vpice is.

"I-i went somewhere Mr. Jeon. I'm on my way back. Sorry." I apologize right away.

"Oh yeah! Come back here and you'll see how sorry you will be." He then ended the call.

I gulped in nervousness. Why do I feel like I a sixteen year-old student being scolded by her father?

I ended the call because I am both trembling in anger and relieved from the sudden fear. It has been two hours since I came back from my meeting with Mr. Cha. When I opened the door, no sign of Yerin is found. Not even a single note or a text. I waited and texted and called her for several times but she can't be contacted. I even went to ask the receptionists of she said where she'll be going.

Damn that Jung Yerin! To say I am angry is not enough. I am mad. Doesn't she think about how would I feel going back with her disappearing?

I sat down on the couch drinking the beer in one go. I am trying, really trying to keep myself from breaking things because of anger. I am staring at the door, waiting for it to open. I tried to calm myself because as of now I am really, really mad, worried and disappointed at her.

But why do I feel like what's happening is a dejavù? This feeling is what I felt when I learned that Lisa left me. But this time it's much more. I should really meet Lisa soon. I am sure that I still love her and still want to fix things with her. But what is this thing I am feeling for Yerin?

I was cut off from my musings when the doorbell rings. I run out to the door panting and opened it. There a worried and scared Yerin is fumbling.

"Ahh h-hi Jun--" I did not let her finish what is about to say because I drag her inside, closed the door and push her on the couch.

"Fuck you Yerin! Where have you been huh?" I shouted at her. She was sitting on the couch unable to meet my eyes. Her action made me angrier than before.

"Fuckin' answer me Jung Yerin! Where were you the whole afternoon?"

"I-i j-just went somewhere, l-looking around-"

"Without bothering to tell me?"

"I forgot to turn on my phone." Her reason put me on the edge.

"Ha! How tiring is it to write a simple note or even tell the receptionist that you'll be out for a while! Are you that stupid?" I yelled. She flinched.

"I am sorry Jungkook-ah!" She apologizes.

"Sorry? Yerin do you have even the slightest idea how worried I was? Damn!" I am trembling in anger.

"I'm sorry okay! What do you want me to do Jungkook?" She's crying now.

"Stop crying Yerin, you're making me angrier."

"I-i am sorry." She stood up crying louder.

"I said stop crying for fuck's sake!" I can't control what I felt so I got the bottle of beer and throw it on the wall. It shattered and one of the debris bounced back and hit my exposed knee.

"Oh my god Jungkook! Stop it. Please stop it! I'm so sorry." She went to hug me tightly. She is a sobbing mess now. I felt my tears fell. How good it is to feel her warmth on my embrace.

She is trembling and crying. I tried to escape from her embrace but she wont let go.

"Please Jungkook..stop it. I'm sorry. I wont do it again. I-i promise."

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