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I woke up at 6:40 A.M. feeling sore all over specially down there. I look at my left and was met by a pleasant picture of the man I learned how to love in a very short period of time. He looked so peaceful sprawled naked with his left arm snaked on my waist. This scene brought two conflicting feelings to me. The first is love and fondness. I gently turn to my side to stroke his hair lovingly. He is beautiful and ethereal. I smiled when he moaned in satisfaction.

Jeon Jungkook how dare you in making me fall in love with someone as unreachable as you.?

I sighed as I felt a lump in my throat thinking how cruel love is to me. Realizing that I have given my all to the person whose heart is owned by someone. Hot tears spilled as sadness crept in my heart. I was about to turn away when he suddenly opened his eyes  and for a moment we lookes at each other's eyes.

"Good morning, love." He finally said and held my hand that stroke his hair and brought it to his lips and kissed it.

"Good morning to you too." I softly said as he wiped away a tear.

"Why are you crying?"

"I am not." I lied.

"You're a bad liar love. Whatever it is that worries you, I tell you don't, I will always be here for you." His words pierced my heart. I just nodded and I got off the bed.

"Where are you going love?" He asked as he too sat up.

"I am going to wash up."

"Then I'm going to wash up too." I blushed with what he said.

"Shut up!" I said and ran to the bathroom as I heard him laugh.

I looked at myself in the mirror and saw a lot of kissmarks and love bites on my skin; a remembrance of the first and the last night I allowed myself to be loved by Jeon Jungkook before I gave him to the woman who rightfully owned him. As I felt new tears on my cheeks I turned on the shower and cleaned myself.

As I sit here on my bed waiting for Yerin to finish showering, I glanced at the stained bedsheet. I smiled remembering how hot and sweet last night was. I am quite certain now, Lisa was my past and it's time for me to move on. Yerin is the one who is with me now. A familiar happiness swelled in my heart. My musings was cut off when the door to the bathroom opened and Yerin came out wearing an overlarge shirt and short shorts. I can immediately feel myself hardening.

"Hmmm I should really have showered with you Yerin." I bite my lips and looked at her sexily.

"Pervert!" She spat back.

"Hahaha. You're so hot Yerin and you're mine." I said and she blushed a hot shade of pink.

"I said shut up! You wash up now and I'll order breakfast. What do you want?" She changes in the topic.

I stood up and grabbed a towel and approached her.

"Just order what you want love, I'll be fine with it." And with that I gave her a kiss on the lips before going to the shower.

When I went out after showering, I noticed Yerin on the table, her back facing me. I went and snaked my arms on her waist. My chin is on her shoulders inhaling her scent. This is such an intimate moment for both of us.

"Hmmmm is my wife preparing for my breakfast?" I said and plants soft kisses on her neck which earned a moan from her.

"Hmmm shut it Jungkook. Let's eat. I am starving already." I nodded and sat on a chair in front of her. We began eating silently when some time she asks me a question.

"Anyway Jungkook-ah, what are we going to do today?"

"Well, what do you want to do?" I looked at her.

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