Spending the Night with the Jeons'

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It is 6:30 P.M. I watch Yerin and Jungwoon still giggling over something while they are sitting in the sofa. It seems like they have forgotten about me. I went to the kitchen and ask Mrs. Han to prepare the dinner for us then I went back to Yerin and my son.

"Yerin, I will go get dressed and probably take a short nap while dinner is still prepared. My head is getting worse really. Just wake me up when dinner is ready." I told her.

"Yes S--I mean Jungkook-ah. We will just play here with Woonie." She stuttered.

"Ok Babe. Woonie, just play with mom ok?" I told Woonie.

"Are you sick Daddy?" He look at me worriedly.

"No baby just a little tired. Don't give mommy trouble okay?"

"Yes Dad." I went up and changed my clothes. I groaned as my back touches my bed. I am feeling cold and as if my energy is depleted. This is bad. I tried closing my eyes and eventually drifted off to sleep.


I was still playing with Jungwoon when this boy suddenly wants to drink his milk. I went to the kitchen and saw Mrs. Han preparing our dinner.

"Excuse Mrs. Han, Jungwoon wants a glass of milk." I politely approached her.

"Oh Ms-"

"Jung Yerin. But just call me Yerin" I smiled.

"Would it be right for me to just call you informally when you are Mr. Jeon's girlfriend?" My eyes widened in shock for what she said.

"Oh no! You thought wrong Mrs. Han, Mr. Jeon is just my boss. I am just her employee." I explained. I don't know but I saw her getting disappointed.

"O-oh really? I thought he finally has decided to find a woman who he falls in love with after Ms. Lisa." She said almost in a whisper.

"I wished it for him too Mrs. Han".

"Call me Ahjumma. Mrs. Han sounds too formal right Yerin?" She asks me smiling.

"Of course Ahjumma. Anyway I will give this milk to Jungwoon." I went back to Jungwoon who is now focus in watching TV.

"Drink your milk now baby. Did you eat already?" I asked him which he just nodded. Still focused on the TV.

"Alright baby, just watch your TV and I will go help Mrs. Han okay?" He then looks at me.

"You are staying with us right Mom?" He asks worriedly.

"Yes. I will just be in the kitchen okay Baby?" He then smiled and nodded. I pinched his cheek before going back to help Mrs. Han.

"Oh what are you doing Yerin-ah?" She hastily tries to stop me when I went to the sink and start washing some utensils.

"Just let me help yoU Ahjumma. I have nothing else to do. Please" I could feel her reluctance but eventually she lets me.

"By the way Yerin-ah, if I may ask, why do Jungwoonie calls you Mommy?" She finally voiced her confusion to our situation. So I explained it to her in details.

"I feel pity to both Jungkook and Jungwoon to be honest Yerin-ah." She said after detailing to her the story.

"Ahjumma, how long have you been working with Mr. Jeon?"

"7 years. Enough to say that Mr. Jeon is not the same person anymore after what happened between him and Ms. Lisa." She started while cutting some spices for her dish.

"Ms. Lisa. How was she ahjumma?" I decided to know her story.

"Oh she is so gorgeous. She is almost perfect. She's got the height, body proportions and very beautiful face. But even that, she is also kind, gentle and understanding. She has this charm that makes everyone like her." Mrs. Han fondly recalled the memory of her.

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